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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 560

Chapter 560 Congenital Uterine Hypoplasia



When you explain the situation to her, remember to be as gentle as possible and provide plenty of reassurances,Lysander instructed her. However, the chances of her becoming pregnant are almost non- existent. It’s best not to give her false hope, she emphasized

Lynn felt somewhat disheartened. If it were a matter of ovaries or fallopian tubes, we could consider in vitro fertilization. However, her uterus is so underdeveloped that even in vitro fertilization isn’t an option. If it comes to it, she may have to resort to surrogacy abroad” 

LynnLysander immediately became serious. We are doctors. We must remember our role.” 

Disheartened, Lynn said. I understand, Dr. Thorne. I just wanted to share it with you. Rest assured, I won’t utter a word to the patient that I shouldn’t.” 

Okay. I have faith in you, but you must also strive to adjust your mindset promptly. Life is often filled with disappointments. We are doctors, not deities. Our abilities are limited. We do our best to help those we can. If we can’t, it’s not our duty to shoulder all the blame. There are many people in the world who need our professional advice and treatment plans. If you let one patient’s predicament haunt you, how will you save more lives in the future?” 

Lysander always shone brightly in her own field of expertise

Josiah didn’t understand the medical jargon she was using, but just watching her was a pleasing sight to his 


ButWell, I’m really having a hard time trying to find the right words.Lynn tried to prepare what she wanted to say in advance, but she failed. It’s just too hard.” 

Lysander saw her past self in Lynn and comforted her by saying, You don’t have to worry. Most patients are reasonable and able to accept reality. When I first started working. I also often felt reluctant. However, reality is reality. Dragging things out can actually cause more problems.” 

The Ragdoll kitten playfully rolled around in Lysander’s arms, its carefree demeanor causing her to lower her gaze. She gently began to comb through its soft fur

For those who love children, not having one is indeed a pity. However, there are many forms of intimate relationships in human life. Adopting a child or even trying to raise a pet could be a great alternative.” 

There was an unavoidable hint of melancholy in Lysander’s words

Josiah’s expression took a turn for the worse when he heard her bring up matters related to children. Quickly, his eyes were filled with concern

Lynn used to be Lysander’s assistant, and her tenure as the chief doctor was brief. Inevitably, she found herself emotionally invested in each patient who suffered misfortune, earnestly considering their 


Dr. Thorne, I understand your reasoning. However, this patient is really young, and she’s here for a pre- marital checkup. If her fiancé finds out about this, would he call off the wedding? I feel quite sorry for her.” 

People working in the hospital witnessed similar stories the most

If the man was incapable of having children, the woman would often stand by him unwaveringly, even 

If the MMÄE 

Chapter 560 Congenital Uterine Hypoplasia 

the man would more than likely choose to divorce


After a long and serious contemplation, Lysander finally lowered her gaze and said, There is indeed such a possibility. However, the patient is still young, and she isn’t really married yet. If the groomtobe would truly abandon her because of the situation, then it would be better to cut losses in time. There’s no need to get hung up on such a man.” 

You make a good point.” Lynn thought Lysander was right, but she still asked with hope, Still, Dr. Thorne, could you guide me on what to say to her? Every time I meet her earnest, hopeful gaze, I’m at a loss for words.” 

Unable to outargue her, Lysander finally relented, saying, All right, then. Let me check the patient’s exact age first. Perhaps- 

As Lysander gently moved the mouse, both her gaze and voice froze in place

Lynn sent the test results in screenshot format, revealing only the basic information about the patient. The patient was indeed very young, so it was no wonder it made Lynn feel more than just regret However, what truly shocked Lysander was the name of the patient

Is Tiffany the patient? The age and name match up, and an engagement is planned. There’s hardly a second possibility. Lysander turned her head to look at Josiah, momentarily taken aback

Does Tiffany have congenital uterine hypoplasia? Does this have anything to do with her constant act of playing the innocent and naive? For a moment, Lysander found herself somewhat confused

On the other end of the phone, Lynn thought Lysander was deep in thought. Even though Lysander had stopped speaking midsentence, Lynn didn’t hastily interrupt to ask further

Josiah noticed her gaze, rose from the couch, and walked over to ask, What’s wrong? Is there a problem?” 

As he spoke, he subconsciously drifted his gaze toward the computer screen

Without any hesitation, Lysander immediately exited the screenshot display. With a rather strong reaction, she stood up and said, This is confidential patient information. You can’t look at it.” 

The Ragdoll kitten got startled and, in a swift motion, scrambled onto the table

In haste, Lysander reached out to comfort it. As she lowered her head, her long hair naturally fell from behind her ears, conveniently concealing the surprise and loss of composure in her eyes

Josiah didn’t say anything. He simply helped her by pushing the scattered files back to their original place

The space between them was minimal, and the room was silent. Every word and movement from just moments ago had been transmitted to the other end of the receiver

Lynn had no doubts about her hearing, and she asked in surprise, Dr. Thorne, is there someone else with you? That voiceIs your exhusband, that sc*m, there with you? Did I hear wrong?” 

Once Lysander had calmed her emotions, she responded, I’m dealing with some work outside, and there are other customers around.” 

Lynn was filled with doubt and uncertainty, but her mind was preoccupied with the patient she was scheduled to see in the afternoon, so she didn’t ask any further questions


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