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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 662

Chapter 662 I Am More Than Capable 


Rhizone emerged from the lake, his clothes completely soaked through, but the presence of his catch transformed his usual timid presence into one of pride. He eagerly exclaimed, I caught this fish myself. I need to go tell my mom!His voice carried a new sense of ambition, reflecting the pride children often feel when they accomplish something significant

Lysander couldn’t help but smile at the boy’s enthusiasm. All right then, make it quick and remember to change your clothes.” 

Like a swift breeze. Rhizone hurried off, delivering the fish to the kitchen before quickly returning in fresh attire. He managed only a brief exchange of greetings with Lysander and the others before dashing back to assist in the kitchen

Shortly after, the alluring scent of fish stew began to fill the courtyard

Feeling a bit restless after sitting indoors for a while, Lysander and Josiah decided to step outside to enjoy the view of the lotus flowers blooming in the lake

As they meandered behind the kitchen wall, they overheard a woman speaking tenderly to the children. Last time, all the fish in the lake were poisoned and died. We tried introducing new fry afterward, but none survived. It took quite some time for the water quality to improve enough to support fish again. There are still hardly any fish, almost none at all. We’ll serve the fish to the guests first tonight, but I will cook you guys some eggs instead.” 

Nilou and Rhizone were almost overwhelmed by the delicious aroma of the fish stew, but upon hearing their mother’s plan, they obediently nodded, their mouths watering in anticipation yet restrained

Lysander and Josiah paused midstride. They then stealthily approached the lake’s edge, moving silently throughout their journey

When lunch was called in the courtyard, the table was already adorned with three dishes and a stew. The centerpiece was a fresh fish stew, enriched with lotus root, complemented by homegrown vegetables, scrambled eggs, and a stirfry of cured meat with dried chili and beans

Although the meal consisted of simple country fare, it showcased the best ingredients the household hail 

to offer

During the meal, Lysander and Josiah focused primarily on the vegetables accompanying their rice. As for the aromatic fish stew, they each consumed less than half a bowl before politely indicating they were full

The woman, noticing their restraint, appeared concerned. Is this enough? Does it not suit your taste?she asked, her voice tinged with worry, as she herself had barely touched the food she prepared, prioritizing her guestssatisfaction

Meanwhile, the man of the house continued his labor in the lake, typically taking his meals alone on the boat

Lysander gently reassured her, No, the fish stew smells wonderful, and the dishes are quite appetizing. butI ate too many lotus seeds earlier.” 

Seizing the opportunity to provide a plausible explanation, Josiah smoothly added, I had quite a few while peeling them. Besides, I just had an IV for a cold yesterday, so I need to be careful with what I eat.” 

So that’s how it it The woman felt somewhat resecured. She then diereibuted the remaining fish and creur 1/3 

Chapter 662 | Am More Than Capable- 

between the siblings and quickly consumed her own meal before returning to her chores

Rhizone, content with his meal, happily finished his fish stew. 


In contrast, Nilou, who was only two years older, seemed burdened by deeper concerns. She glanced at the fish in her bowl, then at Josiah and Lysander, her expression filled with unspoken words

Observing her discomfort, Lysander asked with concern, Nilou, what’s troubling you?” 

Nilou bit her lower lip, her gaze flitting toward Josiah as if she feared he might leave at any moment, and shook her head, seemingly at a loss for words

After a moment of contemplation, Josiah guessed at her worries and gently asked, Are you worried that I might leave with Dr. Thorne after we finish cating?” 

Josiah, Dr. Thorne, if you don’t like the fish, when my dad comes back, he’ll bring lots of lotus seeds,Nilou offered, her voice reflecting her concern for her family’s welfare

Josiah, touched by her thoughtfulness and feeling a pang of sadness for her precocious maturity, reassured her, It’s not that we don’t enjoy the fish; we’re just genuinely full. But no matter whether we finish our meals or not, we’ll still pay. You can rest assured.” 

Lysander, moved by the young girl’s sense of responsibility, promised, You have my word, I won’t back out on this promise. Also, your father’s straw origami is beautiful, we’ll take them all.” 

Upon hearing this, Nilou and her younger brother cheered joyfully, finally allowing themselves to enjoy their meal fully. 

In the afternoon, the section of the lake not covered by lotus pads glimmered under the sunlight, offering a breathtaking view

Even the most stunning scenery could grow imonotonous after some time, and noticing Lysander simply strolling along the lakeside, Josiah worried she might be getting bored

He glanced at the small boats navigating through the lotus leaves and suggested, Would you like to go rowing? Many people are out there picking lotus seeds.” 

They were all villagers whose livelihoods depended on the lake, including the father of Nilou and Rhizone

Lysander approached the lake’s edge, her eyes filled with longing. Yet, she hesitated, I don’t know how to row a boat, and besides, there are no spare boats available.” 

There is one!exclaimed Nilou and Rhizone in unison, eagerly, interjecting before Lysander could decline further

Without waiting for further discussion, Nilou took her brother to the neighbor’s house. However, Rhizone was the only one to return. He conveyed her message as instructed, My sister has borrowed a boat, she’ll be here shortly!” 

Grateful for their initiative, Josiah first expressed his thanks, then turned to Lysander with a reassuring smile, It seems rowing doesn’t require much strength, even a child like Nilou can manage it.” 

This bolstered Lysander’s confidence enough to agree, Then, I’ll give it a try.” 

Josiah, brimming with assurance, replied, Don’t worry, if you don’t want to learn, you have me. I’ve 


08:32 Tue, 2 Jul MDF

Chapter 662 I Am More Than Capable 

learned sailing abroad in the past.” 



Sailing was a niche sport, and one could imagine that reaching a competitive level was no easy feat. He must have been highly skilled at maneuvering his sailboat

Considering his experience, Lysander felt reassured about his boating skills. When Nilou handed over the oar, Lysander passed it directly to him, saying, Do your best.” 


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