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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 101

The Council Chapter 8: Jara


When we meet in our room, I order some room service, dessert and after dinner drinks, and decaffeinated coffee for Mignon and anyone else that wants it.

“Okay, we need to make sure that we have something in place to help protect our fellow she-wolves. We all hit the mate jackpot, not just in looks,” I say, looking at Annabel, “but also in how well they treat us and how much they love and support us. But we all know that not everyone has or will get so lucky. And, while I think that the changes to the claiming process will help, we need to protect our own.”

“Agreed, so what do we do?” Mignon asks, looking at us.

I pull out the form Mason gave to me earlier.

“We have to write out our petition, what we want to change, and the expectations we have. So, if we are going to make a change, if we’re going to protect our she-wolves, how should we start?”

“Well, first, we have to be able to see each other.” Mignon says.

“Good! Number 1, she-wolves will have complete and unlimited access to each other.” Hana says, writing it down. Since she’s taking the lead on this petition, we agreed that she would be the one to complete the petition.

“What else?” Hana says as she writes #1 down.

“We should be able to assist with pregnancies and deliveries.” Annabel says.”

“Excellent, that’s number two, what else?” Hana says, furiously writing.

“We need to have an annual Luna meeting, just like they have an Alpha meeting. It could be at the same time, but we should have an opportunity to meet and discuss issues specific to us as she- wolves and any concerns that have been raised over the year.”

“Love it! That’s number three.” Hana says, writing it all down.

We all think for a moment. “Once a year isn’t enough and it doesn’t include all she-wolves. What if we have a monthly video meeting and every pack must have at least one she-wolf in attendance?” Hana says.

We all agree that is a great idea and she writes down number four.

“Lunas should be allowed to visit any she-wolf in any pack at any time. Unrestricted access. That way, if someone gives us a hint that something is wrong, we can check it out.” Annabel says.

“Another great idea. But to clarify, this is about actually being allowed on pack lands versus the first one that could be a phone call or meeting outside of the pack lands, correct?” Hana asks. When Annabel agrees, she writes it down.

“There should be repercussions if the Alphas or the packs don’t comply. Like, their packs will be dismantled, or we could go to war.” Mignon says and we all look at each other.

“We’d better get our mates’ agreement on that one before we include it. They would be leading the war and we want to make sure they are okay with that wording.” Hana says.

“I agree, but I think they will agree as well.” I say.

Hana looks over our suggestions. “This is a great start. Any other


I look at all of them. “I think at least one council member should be a female.”

Their eyes go wide.

“Yes.” Annabel says.

“Yes.” Hana says.

“Yes.” Mignon agrees.

“Put it in the petition. We’re already going to ruffle some feathers, what’s a few more.” I say.

When we’re done, we sit back, enjoying our desserts and drinks.

“What do you think of that Alpha Gunnar?” Annabel asks, sipping her drink and hiding her smile.

“I think Jara put that jerk in his place.” Mignon says.

“You need to be careful, Jara. He was already a misogynistic pig, but you embarrassed him in front of his peers. That makes him dangerous.”

“And it’s not just him. Did you see that he has a group of followers too?” Annabel asks.

“Yeah, I did. None of them have large packs, so I’m not concerned, but you’re right Hana. He could be dangerous, given the right circumstances. And I wouldn’t want him taking his anger at me out on the she-wolves in his pack.”

“Do you think he would do that?” Mignon asks.

“Of yes.” Hana says. “Does anyone remember how many she-

wolves he has in his pack?”


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