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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 105

The Council Chapter 12: Jara


When we return to the conference room after lunch, I feel better about our plan to take care of Layan. I know that she needs us, the four of us that were in the claiming with her.

But for now, I need to make sure that not only Layan, but every werewolf female is safe.

As we sit down, Elder Jason steps up to begin.

“As I mentioned earlier, we have two more petitions that seem to be in opposition to each other. The first was presented by Alpha Gunnar, the second was presented by the Lunas. We’ll start with Alpha Gunnar’s petition. It states that packs will have absolute oversight and control of their she-wolves, with the notable

exception of their requirement to enter the claiming process after they reach the age of maturity.”

“What does that even mean?” I ask him.

“It means that I say what happens to the she-wolves in my pack.” Gunnar says, smirking at me and it’s a look that has the hair on the back of my neck going up.

“Meaning that you get to rape them because they are in your pack?” Hana asks.

“Meaning, that if their ‘mate’,” he uses air quotes, “can’t get her pregnant, then as their Alpha, it’s my duty to propagate the species and impregnate her.”

“You’re disgusting.” Annabel says.

“So, let me get this straight.” I say, standing up, because I want to make sure every Alpha in this room is paying attention and hears what I’m about to say. “After all your bullshit this morning about needing to be the strongest wolf to catch a she-wolf to ensure the continuation of the species, it sounds to me that if you STILL can’t get a mate, you’re basically going to steal the mates of those in your pack who beat you out, rape their she-wolves and then what? Give them back to their mates? Is that what I’m understanding?”

I can tell by the way the other Alphas are looking at him that they do not agree with this. The claiming was put into place so the strongest survive. It may not be the best system, but it’s certainly a better option than Alphas sitting back and raping their pack members’ mates.

“It wouldn’t be like that.” Gunnar says.

“How would it be?” Hana asks, coming to stand beside me.

“I’m just saying, we have to ensure that our species doesn’t go extinct.” He says, his voice not nearly as strong as it was before.

“And yet, you fought against the decisions that would continue our species, keep us strong and build a better future for our species. And I believe you said, and I quote, ‘A woman’s job is to be a bed warmer for her mate and birth his young. Alpha or no, if you can’t do that, you’re pretty worthless.’ So, I’m guessing if your pack mate can’t get their ‘worthless’ mate pregnant, you’re going to do your duty, as an Alpha, and make sure she gets pregnant?” I snarl at him.

He grits his teeth, not answering.

“Let’s take it to a vote.” Elder Jason says.

The vote was thirteen to one, Gunnar being the only one that voted for,his petition, thank goodness. Maybe there’s hope for our

species after all.

“Last on our docket today is the petition put forth by the Lunas. This petition contains seven items.”

I hear grumbling as the Alphas realize that it’s likely we’ll be here until tomorrow.

“Do we need to break so that everyone can make arrangements to stay another night and not have their packs expect them until tomorrow?” Elder Jason asks.

After unanimous agreement, we break to extend our stay, and let the pack know we won’t be back until late tomorrow, or maybe early the next day.

It’s mid-afternoon before we finally settle back into the conference room and Elder Jason takes his petition at the front of the room.

“As I mentioned before, the last petition of this meeting was put forth by the Lunas with the support of their mates. The first item in the petition states, ‘She-wolves will have complete and unlimited access to each other”.”

“For what purpose?” Alpha Shawn asks.

“Support, assistance, camaraderie. We are werewolves after all. We’re pack animals. There are so few of us and we’re spread out all over the country, so we don’t even know each other. We want to change that.” Hana says. Since she’s taking lead on this petition, she is the one speaking for us.


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