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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 120

The Council Chapter 27. Jara


When I leave Mason, I go to find Brynn. I walk to the kitchen, looking for Stella to see if she knows where she is. When I walk in, I stop, trying to understand what I’m seeing.

Instead of seeing Stella, I see Brynn. She’s got her sleeves rolled up and she’s mixing something with her hands in a bowl. There is music playing in the background and Melinda and Jace are sitting on the counter. Both of them are singing and the omegas helping in the kitchen are dancing around.

Brynn looks up, seeing me staring at them. “Oh, Luna.” She says, pulling her doughy hands out of whatever it is that she’s making.

“Hello, Luna Jara.” Melinda says, her legs swinging as she moves her body to the music.

“Hello, Luna.” Jace says.

The group in the kitchen stops, looking at me, wondering if I’m going to be angry. I walk in, coming up beside Brynn and looking in the bowl.

“What’s this?” I ask.

“A bread base, we’ll have some for tonight and some for tomorrow morning.”

“Tonight, we’re making fresh garlic bread and tomorrow morning cinnamon raisin bread.” Melinda tells me.

I lean in, smelling the yeasty smell of the bread. “Smells good.” I say, turning to the rest of the room. “What else are we having?”

I watch the omegas relax before showing me that they are making chicken parmesan. I raise my eyebrows at them.

“That’s new.”

“It’s momma’s specialty.” Melinda says.

“When you’re done here, I’d like to speak to you.” I tell Brynn.

“Yes, Luna.”

I leave the kitchen and head to my room. I video dial Layan. It takes her a few rings to answer. I’m just starting to get worried when her face comes on the screen.

“Hello Jara.”

“Layan, how are you doing?”

“I’m good. I was just speaking to Annabel. She was checking on

me too.”

“Good. Have you eaten yet today?” I ask.

She looks down. “Not yet.”

“You promised to try, Layan.”

She nods. “I will.”

Her head jerks up and a small smile graces her face. “Mignon’s calling, Jara. I better go.”

“Okay, I love you, Layan.”

“I love you too, Jara.” She says and disconnects.

I immediately call Hana and fill her in on what happened with the


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