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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 130

The Council Chapter 37 Jara


Mason had come to bed late. He had curled up around me, his hand protectively resting on my stomach. When I woke this morning, he was already gone, his side of the bed cool to the touch.

I get up, and shower, ready to start the day. I had thought that my fatigue had come from spending so much time with Layan, but now I realize it’s because I’m pregnant. If Dr. Johns is correct, I’m about 3 weeks into a 5-month pregnancy. That means, I have a whole lot of fatigue ahead of me.

When I leave my room, Lewis is standing by the door, waiting for

“Good morning, Lewis.” I say. True to his word, Mason has put a round-the-clock guard on me. During the day, if he’s not around, I notice that there are two guards. One is much more subtle than the other, but I know that he’s assigned two to watch me at all times. I don’t argue, knowing that he needs this to help him feel that I’m safe. And with the threat of Typhon still out there, why take the risk?

Before I even get to the dining room, I can feel the tension in the pack. When I arrive, the dining hall is considerably more quiet than it usually is and I see Mason, Elijah and Joe sitting with their heads together, looking over some documents.

“What’s going on?” I ask, walking up to the group.

“Jara.” Mason stands, coming around the table to pull me into a hug. His smile makes me feel a bit better, but I still see the

anxious lines pinching the sides of his eyes.

Dividing into pages now

“Have a seat, I’ll get you some food. What are you hungry for?”

“Just toast, dry.” I say.

When Mason comes back with my toast, he sits down opposite me and tells me about the email that came through last night.

“We sent warriors last night to both packs, as well as some extras to Davis and Quinton’s packs since there’s are smaller and they both have she-wolves. I’ve had the warriors stay in touch and let us know if they see anything on their way to the other packs. We have a follow up meeting this morning with the alliance to create a larger plan of action. I’ve doubled patrols, even though they were already heavier than usual because of the threat of Typhon attacking.” Mason looks at me intently.

“Jara, I don’t want you leaving the packhouse. If you feel the need for fresh air, please stay close to the house so you can get inside and safe if we’re attacked. I’ll be putting two guards on you full- time.” He says to me.

I raise I eyebrow at him and he smirks at me. “Okay, I’m going to make the two guards that I have on your full-time already, more official and public. No one and nothing is getting to my girls.”

“I want to sit in on the call.” I tell him.

“Fine. We’ll be talking about the she-wolves in Alpha Emanuel’s pack anyway, and I heard that you and Hana were already thinking of ways to get them out.”

“Mom, too.” I tell him. The three of us had talked about it after hearing Gamma Kira say that she knew they not only have adult she-wolves in that pack, but also at least one juvenile she-wolf.


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