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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 139

The Council Chapter 46 Mason


I ran as fast and as hard as I could to get to Jara. I have no idea what happened, and I’ll figure that out later, but for now, right this moment, I need to know that my mate and my pup are safe.

It takes an hour, the longest hour of my life to get to Alpha Davis’s pack. Long before I get there, I can smell the smoke, just before I pass into his pack lands, I can see the flames licking up at the sky.

Seth and I have been running side by side the entire way, both of us anxious to find out if our mates and pups are safe. As we cross Alpha Davis’s territory, we howl our arrival and instantly we’re surrounded by wolves. I’m not surprised, but it’s good to know that the pack is secure. I have no idea if they still have people in the packhouse, if some have died of if they got everyone out.

I lift my nose in the air and almost as one, Seth and I turn in a direction to the left of the packhouse. My eyes focus in on Jara, and I race to her, barely slowing as I shift before I have her wrapped in my arms. I bury my face in her neck, soaking in her scent and calming my fear that something had happened to her.

“I’m okay, Mason. Your pup and I are okay. The guards got us out. Elijah made sure that we all made it out of the house safely.”

I just nod, not letting go of her. My entire world is in my arms and if anything had happened to the two of them, I’m not sure I could have survived it. I’m not sure I would have wanted to.

Finally, I pull back, keeping my hands on her shoulders and looking her over. I can smell the smoke in her hair and on her clothes, but I don’t see any injuries or burns and I don’t smell any blood.

When I’m satisfied that she’s truly alright, I tuck her under my arm, unwilling to let go of her after just having the worst hour of my life. I look and I’m surprised to see that Layan is clinging to Elijah’s back like a monkey. I’m even more surprised because he’s stark naked, but Layan doesn’t seem to mind.


“Tell me what happened.” I say, a bit too sharply as I see Layan flinch. Elijah gently strokes the leg she has wrapped around her waist while pulling her hand to his mouth and kissing it, purring softly. I’m shocked when this seems to calm her.

“We’re not sure yet Alpha. Alpha Davis has been focused on trying to keep the fire under control, so the surrounding forest doesn’t burn down, and alert the humans that something is wrong. He did send out patrols to guard the borders.

“We saw the patrols.” Seth says, coming to stand beside us. Hana is tucked up against him much like I have Jara against me.

“It was definitely an explosion. Or, I should say, multiple explosions. The first woke me up and we were getting everyone out when the second one went off. The roof began collapsing then the floor we were on began collapsing.”

I look around. We’re going to be here for a while. “We need to find a place to get our mates and the other she-wolves from the pack.” I say glancing at Elijah. I’m not sure Layan is ready to disengage from him. She seems content to be riding on his back. And, in truth, I’d like to keep Elijah on as guard for Jara.


you still have your phone? I lost mine.” I ask Elijah.

“Yes, and Alpha Jonas picked yours up. He is going to try to get here, but he’s making sure the females from Alpha Emanuel’s pack are safe and being cared for.”

I call Quinton and fill him in on what’s happened.

“Do you need me to send any warriors to you?” He asks.

“No, but I would like to borrow Ira again, if you don’t mind. I want to see if we can figure out who placed the bombs. Maybe he can give us some information. Also, I’d like to send my mate, Hana, Layan, her mom and several of our guards and warriors to your pack. We’re going to be here the rest of the night and they need a safe place to sleep. They will also need some clothes.”

“No problem. I’ll alert my patrols that they are coming.”

“Thank you. I’ll be in touch as soon as I can.”

“No problem and tell Davis for me that if he and his pack need a place to stay in the interim while they rebuild, they can stay here.”

“I was going to tell him the same thing. I’ll let him know.”


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