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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 143

The Council Chapter 50: Mason


“I think we’re almost there, Davis. Another week and you can start moving people back into your packhouse.” I say, looking around at the kitchen that we finished installing today. It looks great.

I’m drinking some water when my phone rings. I look at the caller ID.

“Elijah, what’s up? Everything okay?”

There’s silence on the other end of the line and my heart clenches.


“Typhon attacked. Jara was outside with Layan, Melinda and Jace. The guards were nearby but had given Jara space to talk with Layan. He attacked and we took him down, but in the process, he killed Lewis, and….” I feel like the world is coming down around me. I don’t even realize I’ve dropped to my knees until I hear Davis tell everyone to stop working.

“Jara?” I whisper.

“She’s in the hospital, Alpha. I tried to get her here faster. I didn’t realize at first. Lewis died in her arms. I didn’t smell the blood on her. When I did, I raced her here…” I can hear my Beta holding his sobs as he tells me. I want to be angry with him. I want to yell at him for not

protecting my mate. But I know he would have given his life for her and obviously, Lewis did.

“You need to get home, Alpha. You need to get home now.”

“Is she alive?” I’m afraid to know the answer.

“Luna is alive, yes.”

I realize what he’s not telling me. “My pup?” I ask, feeling as though I′ ve gone numb.

Elijah breaks down. “I’m so sorry, Alpha.”

“I’m on my way.” I say, hanging up and standing.

“I’ll drive you.” Davis says, and I just nod.

I don’t remember anything about the drive. I just remember getting to my pack hospital and seeing every member of my pack in the waiting room. Everyone is crying. Several of them are still bloody and injured from the battle.

“Where is she?” I ask the room.

“This way, Alpha.” Someone says and I follow them to a room where Jara is hooked up to all sorts of equipment. I stop in the door and a sob catches in my throat. Her stomach is flatter than it was this morning. Our baby, our little girl is gone.

“Will my mate be okay?” I ask, stepping into the room.

“Yes, Alpha. She’ll need to stay in bed for a couple of days, but she will recover. You will need to wait before trying to have another pup, but it doesn’t appear that any of her organs were damaged. She was just caught underneath Warrior Lewis as he was trying to protect her.”

I look at the doctor. I hadn’t gotten that much information from Elijah.

“How long will she be unconscious?” I ask.

“We’ve had to sedate her to try to deliver the fetus. We tried everything we could, Alpha. But she was too small to save. Luna will be out for the rest of the evening and most likely through the night.” I nod, before walking to her bed.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, feeling the burn of tears that I refuse to let fall. I lean down to her ear. “You heal, love. I’ll be back



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