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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 149

The Council Chapter 56 Mason


After a month of absolute silence in my head from Jara, I can’t get enough of her being back in my head. Last night, I slept for what was probably the first time since we lost our daughter.

The next morning as she lays wrapped in my arms, I ask her what had changed, and she told me about Mila coming to Melinda in a dream.

“You know, Mason. I would never have been able to willingly give up a child. But, if I had to lose one, then I’m glad to know that my sister got the child she never had in this life.”

“Me too. If feels…better somehow knowing that your sister is looking after our daughter.”

I sent Elijah a mind link, letting him know that I’d be spending time with Jara this morning.

“Take as much time as you need, Alpha. The whole pack can feel the difference in the two of you this morning. I’m glad things are getting better.”

“Me too.” I say before turning back to my mate.

“Tell me what I’ve missed.” She says.

I had intentionally not told her that Mignon had her baby. When Asher told me that Mignon wanted to visit with her baby, I had told him no. I wasn’t sure how Jara would respond, and it was too risky.

Then, just a few days ago, Hana had her daughter. I hadn’t mentioned that either and I had asked her family to keep it from her for now.


So, I kiss the top of her head, holding her tightly before telling her about Mignon and Hana.

She shoots up, looking at me. “I missed their births? Both of them?”

“Yes, I was afraid it would be too upsetting for you, so I asked them not to say anything. I’m sorry if that wasn’t the right thing to do.” I tell her.

She leans down, kissing my lips softly. “It was exactly the right thing to do. You’re right, I couldn’t have handled it. But I think I can now.” She says, nuzzling my face.

“What else did I miss?” She asks and her voice has gone soft, deep with desire. My body responds, but I’m careful. I don’t want another incident like before.

She must feel the change in me. “I promised I wouldn’t push, and I won’t. But you did say there were other things that we could do until the doctor gave us the go ahead.” She says smiling. It’s the first time I’ve seen her smile in much too long.

She lays back down on my chest and I relax, stroking her naked back with my fingers, tracing the line of her spine as I talk.

“Alpha Shawn and Alpha Conrad moved to Alpha Gunnar’s pack. The last time we checked, it looked like they were training hard. I expect that they will be planning an attack soon. Zaire, Saul, Davis and Quinton have been watching them. Asher, Seth, Antonio and I have been distracted lately.”

She rolls into me, her hand coming up to cup my face. “I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you.” Her eyes are full of sadness but also determination. I know that look. My mate is resolute in getting herself back to where she was before we lost our daughter. We’ll never forget our first child, but we can move forward. Together.


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