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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 162

Layanı Return Chapter 7 Jara


The second day of assessment is as grueling as the first. I take it slowly, making sure that I don’t overextend myself. I take hourly breaks and when I feel my babies start to slow their movements, as if my healing our pack is draining them too, I stop and go lay down to rest. Yesterday I slept nearly four hours before Mason woke me for dinner. Today is the same.

Layan had stayed one night with Elijah and had gone home the next morning. She knew her pack needed her and I’m thankful I can help in my pack as well. From everything we’ve heard from all of the packs, this year’ s assessments are far worse than previous ones.

When I ask Mason about it, he decides we should call Councilman Jason and ask him.

We’re in his office, and I’m on his lap, as always, these days. I lean back against him, and he begins rubbing circles on my stomach, soothing me and our little ones.

“Councilman Jason.” He answers on the third ring.

“Councilman. This is Alpha Mason.”

“Mason, how are you? How are assessments going? I haven’t heard of any males failing.”

“No, none of my pack members have failed assessment so far. We have one more day of assessments to go.”

“I didn’t just mean your pack, Alpha. None of the packs have a single male that has failed assessment.”

Mason and I look at each other. “So, the council was right?” I ask.

“It would appear so.

“And we think this is because the she-wolves are providing this vaccination effect in the packs?” Mason asks.

“That’s my take on it.” Jason says.

Mason and I sit in silence for a moment.

“So, what can I do for you Alpha, Luna?” He asks.

“We wanted to know why this year’s assessments seem much more intense than the usual assessments.” Mason asks him.

“Well, in truth, I think it should have always been like this. I fought for stronger assessments, especially since they were done months in advance of the claiming, but I was overruled. When I spoke to the council this year, and told them my reasons, they agreed. We’re still determining if this level of assessment will be needed in the future, but given that no one has failed, it appears that, while difficult, it is valuable. We can ensure the safety of our females, and our pack mates can still successfully pass


“So, it doesn’t have anything to do with Layan going back into the claiming this year?” I ask him.

“Well, I believe that Layan is the reason that the council agreed to the more intensive assessments. We want to make sure that nothing like what happened to her, ever happens again. But we also know that any human that doesn’t have absolute control over their wolf may kill in the territory. We’re putting every possible safeguard in place to ensure that doesn’t happen.”

We say our goodbyes and thank Jason before we hang up.

Afterward, I don’t immediately move to get up.

“You okay, love?” Mason asks me, kissing the side of my

“Yeah, it just feels really good having you rub the sides of my stomach.” My head is leaning back against him, my eyes closed.

“We can stay here as long as you like.” He says, I nod, not saying anything.

I feel Mason begin purring and the sound of it, the feel of it against my body, lulls me to sleep. I wake, feeling Mason carrying me.

“I can walk.” I say, sleepily.

“And I can carry you.” He says, this time kissing the top of my head that is tucked up against him chest. “You’ve been exerting too much energy, love. Why don’t you plan to sleep in tomorrow. Elijah should be back to full strength and Brynn and Luke are helping. Even Melinda seems to understand that her presence helps.”

Yes. Melinda had come into the room today and without anyone saying anything to her, she had crawled into one of the omegas laps, leaning against him. At first, I thought Brynn would get upset. But she watched the omega wrap his arms around Melinda, before sighing and leaning his head back against the couch.

“See mommy, I can help.” Melinda had said. She isn’t able to heal those assessed on her own, but her presence had helped them to heal faster, especially the omegas who were coming out of assessment nearly comatose from their ordeal.

Several had started crying when she got in their lap, holding her tightly. We found out later that some assessments included Melinda, and the pack members not being able to save her.

So, I let Mason tuck me into bed and I fall asleep curled up in his arms.

The next morning, he is already gone when I wake. I slowly get up,

feeling a cramping in my side. I shower, rubbing my stomach, trying to soothe my babies and my overstretched body. Even with advanced

healing, having twins that have come nearly to term is wreaking havoc on my entire body.

When I finish bathing and getting dressed, I head down to where our pack members are going after their assessments. I get another cramp in my side and I stop to rub my stomach.

“What’s going on, love?” Mason’s voice drifts into my mind. Always so attentive, but definitely more so since I’ve been pregnant again.

“Just some cramps this morning. I’m making my way to you.”


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