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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 164

Leyan’s Retum Chapter 9. Jara


When Mason returned to our room, my mother was with him. He had handed off one of our babies to her, or more likely, my mother had come up and taken one of them. I couldn’t tell which one she was carrying, but it didn’t matter. They were getting fussy, and I realized instantly why Mason had willingly handed over one of our babies. My mother could help me nurse and he could get the doctor and nurses out of the room while I was in a state of partial dress.

After my mother helped me get settled nursing both babies at once, she sits on the bed beside me.

“How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

“Tired, sore,” I look down at my babies, “happy.”

“You did good. Your babies are healthy, a good weight, even though they are twins and obviously they are good eaters.” She says, watching as they nurse.

“Mason said Jordan was born first.”

I look at my mother. We had talked about this. “She was.” I say smiling.

“Well, the times they are a-changing.” She says.

She shrugs. “Depending on how things go in the next generation or so, it may not even matter.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, handing one baby to her to burp while I burp the other.

Layarı Retum Chapter 9. Jara

“Well, look at you and Mason. You run this pack together. He’s the perfect mate for you. He appreciates and values your strengths and what you bring to the pack. You compliment each other. Maybe, hopefully, when it’s time for Jordan to take over as Alpha, things will have changed and there will be a more equal relationship in the packs.”

“Do you think that Jaxon will be angry that his sister becomes heir instead of him?” I ask, looking at my now sleeping son.

“Those are worries for another day, my dear.” She stands, putting Jordan in the bassinet that was wheeled into my room before coming back for Jaxon. “And besides, she may not be the first. one. Your sister-in-law is already telling Seth that Taylor is the Alpha-heir.

I chuckle as my mother takes Jaxon and puts him in the bassinet. beside Jordan. Instinctively, they turn to each other, settling instantly.

“Get some rest. I’ll be here until Mason gets back which I’m sure won’t be long. And these babies will be up needing to eat every couple of hours. Believe me, you need to rest while you can.”

“Thanks mom. How long are you here?”

“As long as you need me or until Hana goes into labor, whichever comes first.” She says, putting her cool hand on my forehead. “Sleep, my daughter. You worked very hard today.”

I close my eyes, exhaustion taking me almost instantly.

A fussing sound wakes me later. I open my eyes in the dimly litt room and see Mason carrying one of our children in his arms. Hel may be a giant of a man, full of muscles, but our baby looks. perfect in his arms, even if he or she looks extremely small in comparison.

“Shhh, Jordan, momma is still sleeping. Give her a few more minutes. She worked really hard today.” He says, walking her around. I can see her squirming around in his arms, periodically giving a cry of complaint.

“I’m awake Mason, bring her here.” I tell him.

He turns, looking relieved. “Sorry, I was hoping you could sleep longer.”

“It’s okay, she seems hungry.” I say, sitting up.

“Yeah, she needs more than her father can give her right now.”

He hands her to me, waiting until I get her settled and nursing. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. I’m already healing. Did the doctor say when I can go home?”

“Tomorrow, if you are doing well.”

I nod. “What’s going on with the assessments?” I ask, wanting to make sure our pack mates are doing okay while I’m away.


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