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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 169


The twins are uncomfortable in this new environment. They are more fussy than normal, but they settle as long of Jara or I am holding them. When we got back to our room last night, Nina said they had slept most of the time we were at dinner and dancing. Which meant, they were up most of the night with us.

I’m exhausted, but today is a big day. They will announce the order in which the females will enter the claiming and they will allow them to identify if they have any claimants that they have already decided that they want in their claiming

However, we have a council meeting this morning, before the claiming events start. This morning, Katerina agreed to watch over our twins while we join Councilman Phillip in the main packhouse. I have asked Elijah to join us and when we arrive, I see that Jonas has asked Jared to join us as well.

We are using a space in the dining room that has been sectioned off for this purpose. Since all of the councilmen and women are here at this year’ s claiming, and Seth is still with Hana and their newest baby, we don’t need a video call, so I’m surprised when one is set up.

On the screen at the end of the table is Dr. Braxton. I’m guessing we’re about to discuss the next set of data from his research.

Once everyone has arrived and found a seat, Dr. Braxton begins.

“Hello everyone. I have been invited to your council meeting to discuss the latest round of research that we conducted over the past couple of months. If you remember, we had the original data from our current Lunas, Luna Nina as well as Isabella. That data had indicated that they had an immunity to the viruses that cause feral-fever and the claiming


haze. It was also believed that this immunity served as a vaccination of sorts to the males in their packs when they were in contact with them, specifically bodily fluids of any kind.”

He stops, looking at the camera and pushing up his glasses. “It was also questioned as to whether this immunity or vaccination was consistent among the she-wolves. I believe it was you, Alpha Mason, that used your previous Gamma, Stella, as an example of a she-wolf that impacted her mate, but had no real impact on her pack.”

“Yes, that’s correct.” I confirm.

“Based on this speculation, we did go to each pack and were able to obtain samples from nearly all of the she-wolves. There were very few instances where the parents declined our request, but there were a few. However, based on our sample size, I feel that we are able to discuss our conclusions at this time.”

We all wait, holding our breath.

“Seriously, doc, spit it out!” It’s Antonio who pushes him to respond again.

“Well, Alpha Mason’s speculations were correct. The immunity and vaccination effect is different in each female. However, we were not able to specifically say that this is based on rank. While most of the ranked she-wolves did have a higher level of the antibody which causes the immunity to the viruses, some lower ranked she-wolves also had high levels of antibodies.”

Dr. Braxton looks down at his notes. “For instance, the Lunas Mignon and Annabel, both were omegas prior to becoming Lunas. Each of them has a very high level of immunity in their system, as does the omega Layan. But, in some of the other packs, omegas had a much lower level of antibodies in their system.”

Dr. Braxton looks at the camera again. “Even more interesting to me, as a

Layan’s Retum Chapter 14: Mason

researcher, is the pup Melinda. While both of her parents are of Beta blood and we would expect that her antibodies are high, hers were literally off the charts. Her antibodies are higher than any other she-wolf with the exception of Alpha Jara and now her pups, which I would expect since she and her pups are both true Alphas.”

“Excuse me? What did you say about my pups?” Jara says and I feel her go rigid beside me. We’re both extremely protective of our twins.

“If you remember, Luna, I said that I would ask the doctor to send samples based on the samples they already take when babies are born. I did receive those a couple weeks ago and I can confirm that your children have a higher level of antibody than even you have, Luna. That high antibody count is only seen in one other pup, Melinda.”

“You don’t see that in our pups?” Antonio asks.


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