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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 180

Layan’s Return Chapter 25 Jara


When the meeting with Dr. Braxton ends, I walk over to speak to Brynn. This is the first time she’s sat in and listened to Dr. Braxton’ s reports since the first one. It’s a lot to take in, especially when her daughter is part of it.

“How are you doing?” I ask her.

“Would you think less of me if I told you I’m overwhelmed?” She asks.

“I’d think less of you if you weren’t. I think we all are. That was a lot all at once.”

“So, why do you think Melinda has higher than normal antibodies in her system?” She asks me.

“I don’t know Brynn, we can ask Dr. Braxton, but it’s been clear from the beginning that Melinda is pretty special.” I tell her.

She nods and we approach Dr. Braxton as he’s putting his things


“Excuse me, Dr. Braxton?” I say, as we walk up.

“Oh yes, Luna Jara. Hello, Gamma Brynn.”

“Doctor, we were wondering if we could ask a question about Melinda.” I say.

He gestures for us to sit, and we do, turning our chairs to face him.

“You want to know why your daughter, a true Beta, is showing the same high levels of antibodies as the Alpha children?” He guesses,

looking at Brynn.

“Well, actually, yes.”

“The simple answer is, I don’t know for sure. I can hypothesize that it’s because she was born at a time when the antibodies in your blood stream had strengthened enough to be passed to her, it could be that she is just the first to show the signs that all children will show going forward, or it could just be that your daughter is who she is.”

Dr. Braxton smiles. “She’s quite a charming young lady. Engaging and sweet.”

“Yes, she is.” Brynn says.

“And insightful.” He says, watching her.

“What do you mean?” I ask him.

“Well, she’s not yet four, is that correct?”

“That’s correct.” Brynn tells him.

“And yet, I heard that during assessment, she went and sat on the laps of several of your pack members. She inherently knew that they needed her close. But more than that, the assessments this year were brutal from what I understand. Having her close, might have helped them feel better because she was pushing the feral- fever and claiming haze viruses back after the assessment process attempted to activate them.”

“I’m not sure I’m following you, doctor.” Brynn says.

He pushes his glasses up his nose. Mason had mentioned this particular habit of the doc’s and now I’ve become hyper aware of it. He really does do it all the time.

“The assessments are supposed to push the males, forcing them

into feral-fever or a claiming haze based on the nature of the virtual reality that they are put into. Even though everyone passed, it doesn’t mean that they didn’t feel the unease of the virus in their system, pushing forward, trying to take hold. Your daughter seemed to instinctively know that they needed her presence to push the virus away, to help your pack members feel better.”

“You’re saying my daughter instinctively knew that she needed to help our pack mates?” Brynn asks.

“Yes. Are you sure that you or your mate don’t have Alpha blood in your history.”

Brynn shrugs. “It’s possible I guess, but it’s nothing recent, that’s for sure.”


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