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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 184

Chapter 29. Mason


When I arrived at the claiming territory, McKenna had just entered. As soon as Jara turns around to head back, Quinton, Davis, Jonas and Jared surround her.

I rush over, not sure what’s happening but feeling protective of my


“Luna Jara, what’s going on? Why did McKenna look terrified this morning?” I hear Davis ask as I jog up.

“I think the reality of the situation hit her overnight. She woke up terrified this morning. I’m pretty sure she didn’t sleep last night, and she refused to eat this morning.” Jara tells them. Knowing my mate like I do, I know that she’ll be feeling some guilt over not being able to help McKenna, so I push past the others, and wrap my arm around her.

A crowd of McKenna’s claimants is gathering to hear what’s going on. The Alphas and Jared all turn to look into the territory, listening to McKenna as she runs in the forest. Even from here, it’s obvious that she’s running scared, not like what we heard from Katerina a week ago or even what I heard from Jara last year.

As we stand there, they all move to sit at the entrance of the territory. I stand with Jara, as she listens too, so we hear it when McKenna begins to hyperventilate. We hear the thunk as she hits the forest floor.

The group of four, the Alphas and Jared all jump up, ready to rush. in and check on her. Councilman Phillip holds up a hand and calls on his radio.

After speaking to one of the gunmen he has stationed in the territory, he tells them that they have eyes on her. She’s fine, but


“You can’t just leave her like that.” David says.

“Something could happen to her.” Jonas says.

“The watchers will look out for her, make sure nothing happens. while she is unconscious. If something does happen, they will alert. me and if need be, we will bring McKenna out of the territory.

They all sat back down, not really placated but after Phillip said he’ d give them regular updates, they agreed to wait.

Jara wanted to check on Katerina and Luke.

“Love, I’m pretty sure they don’t want to be disturbed.” I say.

“They need food. I can do that at least.” She insists and I realize she needs to do something. The situation with McKenna is bothering her more than she’s letting on.

I follow her to the main packhouse and help her put some food together. I wait while she drops the food at Luke’s door, knocking to let them know it’s there.

“What do you want to do? I know you’re worried about McKenna.” I say, pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her.

“I have Hana bringing the babies over, along with some outdoor play area stuff so we can set them up outside and I can listen in as well. I want to make sure she’s okay. If I need to go into the territory to check on her, I will.”

We have lunch outside, listening for McKenna, but at every check in, she is still unconscious. The claimants start getting anxious,

wanting to go into the territory and check on her. After lunch, they begin arguing with Councilman Phillip, stating that someone needs. to physically check on her.


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