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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 215

The Claiming by Cooper Book 4

The Contest by Cooper (Jaxon & Evangeline)

Chapter 15 Jaxon

I drop the burning wood, tossing it in the direction of the firepit and put my other hand into her hair. Her arms slide up and around my neck, her fingers sliding into my hair.

I move one hand down to her waist, pulling her to me, wanting her closer, wanting more. Her body presses against mine and I know she can feel my hard length between us. There’s no hiding my attraction for her.

She tastes so damn good, I lick the seam of her lips. She opens her mouth, sliding her tongue out to meet mine. My eyes practically roll back into my head. When I hear her soft moan, I realize I’m not the only one that is feeling this pull. Eve is close enough to 18 that she’s feeling the draw to me as well.

Both of us seem ravenous, our tongues fighting for dominance, our bodies pushing together as if we’re trying to meld into one being.

When I smell her arousal, a possessive growl rumbles in my chest. A sound I’ve never made before.

When we pull away from each other, we put our foreheads together, panting and holding on to each other.

“Damn.” She says quietly.

“That’s the understatement of the year. Holy s*hit. Eve. I hope you’re planning to let me k*iss you again.” I say.

“Well, you did say something about a date.”

“Oh no, I need to k*iss you again, long before that. That was I don’t even know how to describe what that was.”

I close my eyes. I want nothing more than to tear oft’ her clothes, and continue my exploration of her body, taste her until her sweet moans fill this cave and her screams of pleasure echo into the night.

“Hey, Jaxon, are you up there?” I pull my head away from Eve.

“Who is that?”

“Teagan.” F*uc*king c*oc*k blocker. “Yeah, were up here.” I yell down. “Who’s we?” I hear Rowan ask.

“Evangeline and I are up here.” I shout back.

“Oh good, you found my sister.” I hear a male’s voice.

“Alejandro.” She says quietly to me.

“Anything good up there, Evie?” I do recognize Magdalena’s voice.

“Our mother’s signatures from when they were in the claiming.”

“Ohhhh.” There’s a bustle of excitement and we hear them beginning to climb up the falls.

I step away from Eve, turning to grab the wood that has nearly gone out. I look for another piece and light it just as they get to the top.

“It’s over there. Enjoy.” Evangeline says to them, taking the stick out of my hand and giving it to them.

“Jaxon promised me a swim in the lake.” She says, turning toward me.

“Race you!” She says, before running and leaping off the edge of the cliff, diving over the falls.

I have a moment to be startled before I race to follow her into the lake below.

When I hit the water, it is warm and soothing to my still-sore muscles. I break the surface, coming up for air and hear the beautiful sound of Eve’s laughter.

It has gotten dark while we were in the cave, so I take a chance while everyone else is up there and pull her to me. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I lean in for another scorching k*iss. We only pull away when we hear the others coming out of the eave above us.

“I could k*iss you all day.” I tell her quietly.

“I hope you plan to do more with me than just k*iss me on our date.” She says, coyly, before pushing away from me.

“I’m revising my plans to make sure I include ample time for kissing.” I say, happy that she seems to enjoy kissing me as much as I enjoy kissing her.

“Good.” She says as we hear a splash next to us.


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