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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 Mason


Where is she? Where is she?

I walk back to the trees where I can smell her scent, then to the trees past it where it disappears.

Where is she? Where is she?

Back and forth, back and forth.

She’s got to be somewhere. But her scent ends here.

Back and forth, back and forth.

I look up into the tree for the hundredth time. I can’t see her. Even if it was daylight, I couldn’t see her. How can I find her if there is no sound, no scent?

Where is my mate? Where is she?

When I collapse, exhausted, I lay under the tree. The last one where I can find her scent. Maybe tomorrow, I can find it again. If not, I’ll have to go searching for it somewhere else.

How could she escape me? She can’t. She must be nearby. I’ll stay here. Guard her, guard what’s mine until I can claim her.

I close my eyes, only for them to fly open in what feels like moments. I stand, ready to fight. What did I hear?

I growl low in my chest. No one is taking what is mine.

I begin sniffing the ground, lifting my nose into the air, sniffing again. There, on the light breeze is her scent.

I turn, trying to capture the scent, trying to find that delicious smell. My mouth waters at it. All I want to do is sink my canines into her neck, making her mine.

I hear something up in the tree. I lift my head up, listening, not wanting to move. This is a hunt, and I am a stealthy predator. I will hunt my mate. I will run her down if I have to, but I just need to catch her scent.

I small leaf flutters to the ground. As it passes my face, I catch her scent. I turn, focusing my attention on the leaf, sniffing hard. It’s faint, but it’s there.

I jump up against the tree, putting my front paws as high as they will go. There, very faint, is her scent. I have her caught in the tree! Now, how to get to her.

I begin jumping as high as I can, growling in frustration when the tree limbs are too low for me to catch. I still can’t see her, but when I jump, I can just catch her scent.

I begin snarling and growling in my frustration, clawing at the tree, leaving big g*shes in it.

Behind me, I sense more than hear another wolf stalking me.

I whip around and don’t hesitate. I leap and bite down on his neck as I catch him by surprise. I shake my head, violently as our snarls and growls echo in the surrounding forest. Animals all around us wake suddenly and begin scurrying away.

He flips over on his back, trying to dislodge me. His paws begin scratching my underside, slicing into my ribs, but I refuse to let go.


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