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The Claiming by Cooper novel Chapter 98

The Council Chapter 5: Mason


That night, Jara and I compare notes. I like their idea of creating a support group for she-wolves. I tell her to put a petition together so that the Alphas can’t block them from including the she-wolves in their meetings. Maybe that support will be what the she-wolves need to survive, to thrive. I hope so. We desperately need more she-wolves, and I want to make a better life for our daughters. Which reminds me…..

“So, what did you think about Mignon being pregnant? And with a little girl, no less.” I ask, coming to stand behind Jara as she takes out her earrings.

She looks at me in the mirror. “I’m hoping that I’m already carrying our pup. I’d love a girl, but I’d be happy with a healthy baby, boy or girl.”

“I agree.” I say, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her neck.

“Do we know how long we have to wait before we know if you’re pregnant?”

“I have to be at least two weeks along, I think. Being that our gestation is only five months, give or take, we should know pretty quickly after I get pregnant.”

“So, at least another week? Perhaps we should keep trying in the interim, make sure that if it hasn’t happened, that it does soon.” I say, smiling at her in the mirror.

“Alpha, are you trying to get me into bed?” She purrs at me, watching me with dark eyes in the mirror.

“Yes, my Luna, I definitely am.”

My perfect mate took my knot, twice. ‘Just to be sure’, she had said in her sultry voice, and I was happy to oblige.

The next morning, we get ready to head to the Alpha meeting. “They aren’t going to give us a problem, are they Mason?”

I shrug. I don’t care if they don’t want my mate there. She’s an Alpha and my Luna. I want her there and I won’t allow them to dismiss her. Although, I’m pretty sure my mate won’t allow herself to be dismissed.

As we walk into the meeting room I see the Elders, all sitting at the head table look up and scowl at my mate’s presence. I ignore them, getting her seated at an empty table and moving to get us coffee. When Elder Jason walks up next to me to get a coffee refill, I hand him the petition and let him know Jara should have another one for him tomorrow.

“I’ll take care of it.” He says quietly before we step away and I finish making our coffees.

I give Jara her coffee just as Seth and Hana walk in. They sit with us, and Seth goes to get coffee for the two of them.

When they sit, I lean in toward Seth. “I gave it to him.”

He glances up at me. “Good. The sooner things start to change, the better.”

Soon, Antonio, Annabel, Asher and Mignon join us as well. I notice some of the other Alphas scowling as they come in to sit.

As the room gets settled, Elder Carson stands up. “This is an Alpha meeting. Anyone who is not an Alpha should leave the room now.”

None of our mates move. Elder Carson looks over at our table. “Lunas, I need to ask you to leave.”

“I don’t think so.” Hana says.

I’m watching Jara, she looks like a hunter about to attack and kill its prey. I have no idea what’s on her mind, but whatever it is, I’m glad I won’t be on the receiving end.

“Excuse me?” Elder Carson says to Hana.

“You heard her, Elder Carson. We’re not leaving.” Annabel says confidently.

“Alphas, please get your Lunas under control.” Elder Carson tries a different tactic.

“I invited my Luna. I don’t see why she shouldn’t have a say in our discussions.” Asher says.

I hear a snort from one of the other Alphas, Alpha Gunner, Alpha Terrance’s previous Beta, now Alpha.

“Didn’t you hear what Elder Carson said? Only Alphas are allowed in the Alpha meeting.” He stresses the title. And the minute he speaks, I realized this is what Jara was waiting for. I sit back, ready to watch my mate tear this room to shreds.

“If that’s the case, Alpha Gunnar,” Jara stresses the title just like he did, “then perhaps you should leave the room. I am an Alpha by blood, so therefore, I have more right to be in this room than you do, since you are not a true Alpha.” She looks around the room. “I have more right than most of you, by those standards, and as much right as the ones that are true Alphas. So, unless you want to join the Lunas as they walk out of this room, I suggest you keep your mouths shut.”

I do nothing but smile with pride and drape my arm around the back of my mate’s chair. There are only two true Alphas in this room that are not sitting at our table. I notice Alpha Zaire, one of the two, hiding his smile at my mate’s words.

“Was there anything else, Elder Carson, or can we get started?” Jara says, directing her attention back to him.

He looks at the other Elders, but even some of them aren’t true Alphas. Their double standard just got handed back to them on a silver platter.


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