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The Couple novel Chapter 43


Although I spent the night in his room after returning from the Harris’s building, I couldn’t sleep. No,not because I was nervous or worried about the case. I mean I am worried about Chris and how he will escape, what if someone saw him and identified him through his dark black orbs which attracted me the most apart from his heart.

But my doubts vanished in the air like smoke when I saw the same unknown guy talking with Chris back then with the sheriff department. I still remember the moment I saw him and thought I was possibly mistaking him with someone else but the smile on J’s face confirmed my doubts. I was inwardly happy that the culprit himself is involved in finding one. I almost laughed at the thought but J kicked my already injured feet enough to keep me shut.

It was then I got reminded of my sprained and probably broken ankle. The Sheriff got a doctor's check for my injury who confirmed that my ankle is definitely not broken but is twisted heavily. It might take a few days to get completely fine. He aided it and asked to visit him today. Chris told me he will accompany me to the doctor.

The reason I didn’t sleep the whole night even after being with Chris was he didn’t sleep with me on the same bed. He depicted the chair as more comfortable than bed. I felt guilty that this man didn’t sleep the whole night because he didn’t want to lay beside me because I am a bitch but he couldn’t leave me alone as well as he loves me so much.

While I just wanted to hold him and sleep peacefully pressed under his weight.

In the morning, Mary brought fresh clothes for me and told me she will send breakfast for me in the room. I thought it was because of my sprained ankle but Chris just opened his mouth to inform me that even J and Greg are having their food in their room because grandma right now is in no mood to see us and will might even hit us if she saw us.

We are on our way to the doctor who examined me last night. Although J and Greg were declared fine yesterday. Early in the morning, the sheriff called and asked them to visit the doctor along with me. None of us said a word in the car. Chris is driving the car with that serious look on his face.

J is sleeping on the shoulder of Greg as she didn’t sleep well last night. She is traumatized by what happened last night. Greg informed us she kept waking up again and again in the middle of the night. She sometimes even didn’t wake up and kept screaming in sleep. If it wasn’t Greg sleeping with her,she might have slept into a coma. She was almost raped last night in front of her boyfriend,she kept seeing that bastard smirking or laughing in her sleep or Greg was brutally beaten to death. Either way she ended up screaming.

Chris carried me inside the hospital and refused when a nurse offered a wheelchair for me. Greg also needs to get his wounds checked, Jenner just accompanied us as the sheriff asked. But I do want her to see the psychiatric department for once but I am wondering how to bring up the topic.

Chris even refused to go out when the doctor was examining my ankle. When the doctor touched me his grip around my hand got so tight that I felt if my ankle wasn't broken he would surely break my wrist. I am sure right now he wants to demand for a female doctor. But I am happy he didn’t ask for one.

As we got out of the doctor’s room, we met the sheriff who is here with his two officers but none of them is the one from Chris’s friend. He asked us to call Greg and Jeanne too who went for Greg to another doctor.

I saw Chris just stood there instead of dialing for Greg or Jeanne. I don’t know much about werewolves but if he is using one of his things then he should stop just now as the sheriff is giving us a really weird look right now.

It seems like he heard me and looked down to me and nodded at me before bringing out his phone to call Greg. Soon, Greg and Jeanne were here and the sheriff asked to move into an empty room to talk. Chris made me sit on one bed while Jeanne and Greg occupied the other one.

“Although you three clearly told us what happened just yesterday but I still want you to give your statements again as I think either of you is hiding something or losing something behind. Is that okay with you, guys?” He looked at all three of us and we nodded our heads.

“So, Celia, starting with you, how did you exactly get into the apartment? What happened at the club?”

“I had a plan to go to a club with my colleagues who wanted me to bring Harris with me. I invited him and he agreed, we went in and danced for a while. After we gave our orders, surprisingly his food had mushrooms. He was allergic to mushrooms so I took him to his penthouse. Zachary, his friend, helped me.”

“Why did your colleagues want you to invite him? Any particular reason. And why did you bring him home when he had his friends at the club? Help me please.” He made an innocent face like he doesn’t know anything.

“I already told you he was my boyfriend back then.”

“He was your boyfriend and now your boyfriend is dead. Are you mourning because you don't seem like you’re?” I hesitated a bit hearing his question made me realise he is right and I should be mourning for him as his fake girlfriend. I extended my hand to hold Chris but found him behind the Sheriff standing in another corner of the room. I looked at him and he nodded as if telling me to tell him the truth now.

“I wasn’t his beloved girlfriend but a forced one.” I whispered but I am sure everyone heard me werewolf or not, they heard me.

“Loud, Miss Jordan.”

“I never loved him or even liked him, he threatened me to be his girlfriend.” The sheriff looked at Chris, while Chris stood there with teary eyes as if he had no idea that I was being tortured.

“Threatened you with what, Miss Celia?” By now, I was crying my eyes out and Jeanne was there consoling me.

“He threatened me with my best friend, my parents and my other friends.” I didn’t lie except I just didn’t say the whole truth.

“Your two friends in New York City were held hostages by someone in their own house. Was it him?” I could just nod because I think I lost my tongue.

“Do you know Miss Jordan, who poisoned Harris with mushrooms? Who wanted to hurt him? Because the chef said they don’t put mushrooms in that dish but someone asked him to add grated mushrooms. Do you know who it was?” I felt attacked. I felt like this was the end of our game when Chris interrupted the Sheriff and held me in his arms. I wrapped my hands around his waist while he asked the Sheriff to stop his interrogation for now. He has already threatened me and I am crying senselessly.

He agreed and started questioning Jeanne and Greg. Jeanne informed him again how they both were having dinner at a diner when Jeanne got the call from Harris and left immediately without saying anything to Greg. Greg told him that he actually suspected something fishy and followed Jeanne but got left behind a bit due to traffic.

They also stated the truth only leaving the part where Chris and his friends entered. Jeanne told them how Harris tried to rape her while Peter and Zachary were looking over me like their prey. I was in Chris’s lap now who is cooing over me.

“Say you asked for the way to the washroom.” He whispered silently in my ear and I couldn’t make out what he meant with that. I was looking at him blankly while he had his expressionless face on.

It was only then I heard someone calling my name. I shifted my gaze and found the Sheriff calling for me after he was done with Jeanne and Greg. I didn’t notice when he finished asking his questions with them. He looked at me with a questioning look asking for more questions. I am terrified as I know soon he will arrest me for plotting and Chris for a murder but then his identity, his species existence will be revealed.

I didn’t realise I was sweating and my heart was beating so loudly that everyone in this room could hear it pumping the blood to arteries. Then, I felt small circles drawn on my back with a thumb. It instantly relaxed me and his voice in my heart called me to concentrate and relax. His voice was soothing and calming.

“You ready?” And I just nodded instead of giving my affirmation verbally.

“You know who would have poisoned Harris? Who would have tipped the waiter to add grated mushrooms in his dish.” I didn’t know what to tell him. I couldn’t bring myself to lie to him and more importantly didn’t know whom to let take the blame. I just shook my head.

“You were seen talking to your waiter, what did you both were talking about?” I looked at Chris but he just refused to look at me and kept drawing circles on my back which kept me calm the whole time.

“I… I asked for directions to the washroom.”

“Just directions to the washroom and it looked like you were telling him the directions.” Did the waiter tell him something? Damn, I am busted.

“Yes, I just asked for directions. Actually he thought I wanted to change my order. That is why we talked for a bit long.” I just lied on his face but I could not see in his eyes yet while lied to him that I have no involvement in murder.

“You said previously, he threatened you with your loved ones, why did you never try informing one and asking for help?” I sighed with relief. He bought my lie and I got relaxed but now I have to accept how Linda and John were in danger because of me.

“He… He was keeping tabs on me. He was making Peter and Zachary follow me everywhere. He keeps a check on whom I was contacting, even before the call connects he gets to know of it.”

“Why did you not tell your parents who were living beside you?”

“He hid microphones all over my house to hear our talks.” I turned to look at Chris. “I never told him about the dinner invitation at Dante house but my father informed me at my house and he heard through the system. I never left a note in their restroom during the dinner but he found it too.” It was more like my confession to Chris than the statement to the Sheriff.

I saw something shifting in him as if the realization hit him and he connected all the dots to make the line. We both were lost when someone clears their throat and brings us back to reality.


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