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The Couple novel Chapter 46


Last night was too thrilling for me. Although grandma and Jeanne are still not on talking terms with me, Mary gave me a lot of information about werewolves and their lives. How they meet their wolves or how long they can live and how they fake their deaths and live secretly in their wolf forms in nearby forests. How all the packs are settled near forests so they stay near nature or our… their pack’s name is Wild Moon Pack.

How their title of Alpha passes down in family until someone challenges the Alpha and defeats him in every manner like decision making, on spot decisions, handling matter and lastly the fight. Or the pack members refuse to obey him and choose another alpha to replace him but the appointed person needs to defeat the Alpha before he takes over if not the Alpha kills him and leaves the pack. Then the king handles the matter.

She told me about their traditions and cultures and their ranking system. How she has a lot on her plate when their traditions will start but once I will there too handle the affairs she will be free and have a lot of time. She has handled the affairs from the age of 21 years when Ethan took his oath.

Although I was excited to know more and more. But it was still a lot of information for me to learn in one day. I had to keep repeating them over and over so I could memorize them.

I know it is too early to think of marriage or future with Chris but the way he is too confident about me and us. It gives me hope and strength. But I still need time to accept this culture, understand their traditions and them.

For now, I am just worried about my friendship with J and my relationship with grandma.

All night long, I had Chris’s bulge poking in my belly, lower back or between my legs. It was such a torture to not help him or myself with our lust for each other. Distance worked over both of us. I remember Mary told me last night how she and Ethan spent most of their time in the woods in their cabin in their early years and still many times they stayed there. It is just she is pregnant and don’t have sex frequently. Otherwise, once Chris heard even their dry humping and was annoyed.

But I was a bit embarrassed how I woke him up last night and called him Alpha. It was Mary who warned while dealing with him. She said I can’t anger him because he doesn’t like people annoying him and specially challenging him. Maybe, it was just that she shared her experience.

While telling me about everything, Mary gave my leg a massage. It was quite helpful. I can walk now with some support but now Chris does not need to carry me around or push my wheelchair. I walked downstairs with Chris beside me assuring I got every move right.

During breakfast, I saw J smiling. It was a satisfactory smile like she got something after her overly thrown tantrum. I really want to ask her the reason for her happiness but I don’t want to spoil the food for everyone here. I don’t want Chris to leave for the office in a sour mood. And since we’re going to talk to her today so not going to ruin my chances with her.

We were just finished with breakfast when their maid came in to inform everyone of the presence of my parents. I was shocked with the news. They didn’t inform me they were coming, I didn’t tell them what happened. How come they are here suddenly and how do they know I am here because they are directly here with their bags.

They both looked so tired. They must have driven all night just to get here this early morning. I don’t know what they know and how much they know. But they surely know something as they both grow old suddenly with all the stress worked over them.

I walked in their direction slowly with Chris holding my one hand. The smile spread across their faces as they both saw me alive and walking.

“Mom… Dad” I hugged both of them. A tear slipped down the cheek of my dad while mom was holding herself back very well. I could feel my dad having a breath finally as he hugged me like his life depended on it. Even after I pulled back, he wouldn’t let go of me. He was either holding me in a side hug or just holding my hand but I never felt losing his touch for a second.

“How come you both are here, suddenly?”

“You shifted here and you forgot we’re your parents.” Mom scolded me.

“What were you thinking when you decided to agree to the plan of that bastard son of a bitch? You didn’t think of your old man once? What would I have done if something would have happened to you?” I never saw dad this low.

“He threatened me with their life, with your life daddy. How could I have thought twice before agreeing?” I heard my own broken, stammering voice. Dad pulled me into another hug. Seeing them like this, made me realise what could have I lost? They are the most valuable treasure to them and they were the reason I put myself in that situation.

“How did you both get to know about all that?” I asked, wiping my own tears.

“Fortunately, Jeanne informed us last night. We left as soon as we got her call. It should have been you who gave us the news.” Mom turned to J who was standing at some distance from me. “Thanks sweetheart, I don’t think she had her plans of informing us.”

I felt a bit betrayed hearing she called them here. Does she hate me this much now that she involved my parents in this. I did all this for her families’ truth, for their safety, for my parents' life and this is what she returns me with.

“Pack your bags honey, we’re leaving immediately.” I was stunned as I heard my mom’s words.

“Wh… What? For whe... where?”

“You’re no longer staying here. You’re coming back to New York with us. Enough of your decisions to live here far away from us.” Dad turned to Dante's family, looking at no one in particular. “Thank you so much for taking care of our daughter. We’re so obliged that you took care of her so well till now.” They both were so tired but still ready for their trip back to NYC.

I had one look at Chris who was now standing with his hands behind his back, clenched jaw and straight face. ‘You leave this town and I will tear apart the whole NYC. Your father thinks Harris was a badass, well he doesn’t know me.’ I shivered hearing his threat in my heart. He didn’t speak those words loud and clear but his red eyes like glaring fire could tell anyone how freaked out he was. I can’t let him mess with my father, no not because I am afraid he will do something to dad but because I can’t let dad see him. Last night, he was right. My father will not let me anywhere near him if he knows Chris and his whole family is a werewolf.

I was thinking of the way to make both of the males calm down because it doesn’t seem like dad will leave this town without me and Chris let him take me. I was standing there still looking back and forth between the two while Ethan stepped forward and spoke.

“I don’t think the Sheriff will allow that, she was present at the crime scene and is also a victim of the dead person which makes her a suspect. I would not suggest you leave until the matter is solved.” I released my breath after hearing his explanation. It seems like a pretty convincing excuse for a while.

“Okay, we will stay till the case is closed.” He sighed and turned to face Jeanne. “Will you please bring her stuff down? After that we will take your leave.”

“Where are you going now? You both can stay here along with Celia, in her next room.” Mary tried to convince them to stay here but grandma and Jeanne seemed pretty relaxed with my parents' presence. I wish I could see their happy faces after I leave their house.

“No, you all have really done a lot for us. We will stay at Celia’s apartment or at the hotel.” He turned towards Jeanne again to inquire about my stuff. And Jeanne handed over my handbag. For the past two days, I wore Mary’s clothes.

“We will take your leave now. Thanks for everything.” Mom thanked them once again while my dad gave me a slight push to move. We made our way to my parents’ car while Dante's family followed us to the gate.

Without looking back, I could feel those two deep black eyes poking me in my back, calling me back. I know right now he is controlling himself just for my sake. But I can’t tell for how long. I don’t know how werewolves or alphas are for their partners but I definitely know my Chris, the alpha of a pack is really having a hard time letting me go. His need for me is pulling me back.

We just left the Dante house and was lost in my thoughts when I felt something dripping between my legs. It was definitely not my arousal. I sighed with the realization. Mom turned back with a concerned look while dad just looked at me from the mirror..

“Everything okay, honey?”

‘You okay, Heaven?’

I heard both voices at the same time which made me chuckle. I didn’t know he could hear my sigh from this much distance.

“Yes mom. Don’t worry. Now you both are here, I am better.”

Chapter 46: We're leaving 1

Chapter 46: We're leaving 2


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