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The Couple novel Chapter 49


I don’t know when I passed out after crying. By the time I woke up, it was already dinner time. I got out and saw the apartment empty which made my heart sink. I don’t know who I expected, Chris, Jeanne or my parents. No not my parents, since I can’t explain to them what happened here I don’t want them to be here. Although I desperately crave for dad’s tight hug which says everything is fine.

My stomach growled and I got reminded that I haven’t had my lunch yet. I am hungry and need food to survive. I went back in to wash my face which has clearly written over it that I messed up. I wonder where my parents are but I am sure they will be home anytime soon.

I served myself food which dad cooked for me and heated it up. I need to eat my dinner before they get home otherwise I won’t be able to explain why I am eating lunch now.

I started Twilight on my television and sat on the couch to feed my growling stomach. I am so hungry that I can eat a whole wolf right now. The thought was enough to bring me back the pain of heartbreak. I thought of mind linking him but discarded the thought immediately. I know I can’t bear to hear his painful voice. Once I hear it, I will run back to him.

You don’t go back to people after you hurt them just because you’re in pain too.

I think it was the first time I didn’t care about the taste. I didn’t notice if it was cooked properly. For the first time after having dad’s cooked food I didn’t care to appreciate it. I washed my dishes so my parents didn't know what I had or even if I had dinner or not.

This time watching Twilight was totally a different experience for me. It was the first time I noticed Jacob more than Edward. I was noticing his bond with other wolves in the movie and comparing if it is how Chris’s pack works. Seeing Jacob turning into a big brown wolf, I remembered my birthday night when he told me his truth. How his bones snapped, how his fur grew out on his body. Damn, how loud did I scream? I was so shaken and on guard that I didn’t touch his fur, pet his head, tickle his belly or trace the mark on his forehead.

Until now, I didn’t feel the urge to be close to his wolf. I wanted to be around him, ask Chris to tell me lovely things. I whimpered in pain as I felt how his wolf would have been feeling when I said those words. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt a sharp pain in my heart. It almost felt like a heart attack. Gradually, the pain reduced but later on I felt such sharp stings from time to time.

I don’t remember when I fell asleep on the couch watching Twilight. I was only woken up by dad, shaking me vigorously. It seems like I passed after crying twice the same day. And passing out leaves my body in pain. My whole body aches as I sit up straight from the uncomfortable position on the couch.

“Why are you sleeping here, princess?” Dad asked in his soothing voice as he sat beside me. I snuggled into him to feel his warmth. I stayed there silently for a while and he didn’t raise his question again for a while.

It was only mom who came out later and asked again. She returned wearing her sexy silk nightgown, I know sometimes she looks younger to be my mom. But right now, she looked tired. It was a long day for her after all but it seemed like it was more than just that.

“How was your day, sweetheart?” She spoke as she sat on another couch holding her nightgown coverup close to her body.

“It was good, mom but painful.” She nodded but my dad spoke.

“But it is okay, right? You are okay, right?” This time I nodded following my mother’s gesture. My father has always been this caring, I just don’t know how I would have done anything without him till now.

I kissed both of them on their cheeks and greeted them good night. As much as I wanted to sit with them and ask them how their day was, my body cramps wanted me to take rest although I just rested all day today. I went back to my room and skipped tonight's shower as my lower stomach was having continuous cramps.

Before I laid down I noticed my balcony’s door was closed. I got up and opened it. I deliberately didn’t take a hot water bag with me, maybe I won’t require it throughout the night.

I was half asleep and because of gradual cramps in my back and stomach I couldn’t sleep properly until I felt a warm hand on my stomach drawing small circles over it. I wanted to grab the hand but pushed the urge to hold it in fear I might lose the hand before I could hold it. I just fell into the deep slumber as the hand rested at my stomach.

I slept like a baby while I was worried about him. I had so many questions to ask but I can’t even though now I know I don’t even need a medium to talk to him. But I couldn’t bring myself to say sorry to him or ask him about his well being.

I was worried he hadn’t slept continuously for two nights to make sure I slept like a baby.

I fed myself the breakfast in guilt and in hope that everything will get alright when I know magics don’t happen in real life. Or maybe they do, if werewolves can be a real thing then maybe magic can happen too. Then please god make one happen.

Doorbell to apartment rung and Mom went to open the door. I didn’t turn to look who they were although we were not expecting anyone. It was Jacob in his uniform. I was surprised to see him and wondered what brought him here.

Maybe Chris sent him to tell me something. After all, he holds a high rank in his pack and knows about our relationship as well as accepted me in his Alpha’s life. I made my way to him eagerly to pull him inside my room to get the message but instead of looking my way, he spoke to my mom.

“Mrs Jordan, I am Jacob from the Sheriff department. A few police officers are here with me from the NYC police department, they need to take a statement from Miss Jordan regarding her friend's case.” My mother looked my way and I just dodged her gaze. I don’t know how to respond to her. We didn’t talk about what happened recently because I avoided that topic as I know it will be hard to explain to my parents what actually happened.

It was only then I noticed two other police officers standing outside the apartment behind Jacob. My mother let them enter. They took their seats on the couch and I dragged myself there and sat in front of them. Dad came soon after from the kitchen. My parents sat on either side of me while my dad holded one of my hands and squeezed it a bit to assure me he will save me this time whatever happens. After all, they know partial truth.

The other two police officers started questioning me. I answered them truly just hiding a few things like the truth of the Dante family or Harris’s threat to expose them. Jacob told them that their department got the microphones from all around my apartment. He told them the department even got a big rifle from Harris’s penthouse which was used to shoot him. I remember Chris was holding a rifle that day when I limped my way to him. I looked at Jacob asking him if they got any evidence against Chris or indicated his presence at the crime scene and he just blinked to assure me everything was under control, obviously until I mess it up again.

As officers got up from their seats, we followed their gesture and appreciated my bravery but warned me to not pull another stunt like this ever again.

Obviously, I won’t. Now, I know I can talk to Chris through telepathy. I won’t take this kind of risk ever again and instead tell him to kick our enemies butt. Just a thought of him was enough to make me sad and guilty.

Jacob hugged me before leaving and passed on a piece of paper in my hand secretly. I holded it carefully and didn’t acknowledge it. Before turning back, he bowed once to show his respect to his bitch Luna. Yes, I should be called a bitch for what I did yesterday.

After closing the door, my parents confirmed I am okay and went into their room for which I am thankful because I need to read the paper Jacob passed to me. I carefully unfolded the slip hoping for a sweet message written in Chris’s handwriting but no.

It was Jeanne.

‘Can I come upstairs? I thought about asking first since I don't know if you will still want to meet me and I don't want to mess things up for you.’

This bitch. She still dared to send me this piece of paper through Jacob to ask for permission to enter this apartment after what I did yesterday. I broke up with Chris, I broke his heart, I broke mine heart just for this bitch and she still asks for permission. Shouldn’t she be here to comfort her best friend after her break up?

I took my phone out of my pocket and messaged her a simple ‘yes’. And then I went inside my room to arrange the room. I made sure the balcony door was open, so my room doesn’t hold Chris’s scent from last night. I made my bed and arranged a few things in my room.

When I heard my doorbell rang again. I didn’t move an inch this time too but I knew who it was as mom passed my room to open the door. I could hear them talking. Mom was showing her sympathy or should I say her care because she was actually nervous about J when I told them what happened to her that day.

She actually wanted to take J along with me that moment but thankfully she realised she can’t force a family to let go of their daughter just because she cares for her as her daughter.

I am sure, if she had a son she would definitely marry him with Jeanne.

I only moved out after mom called for me and made J’s presence known to me. I don’t want to heighten my mom's motherly six senses who smells the dead rat everywhere. I went forward, hugged her and told mom we’re inside and pulled J in my room before mom could protest or suggest something we all could do.

As soon as we entered, I closed the door and she hugged me tightly as I might vanish in the air if she let go of me. I could hardly breathe in her grasp and pushed her a bit. I don’t know what took over her mind now and why she was hugging me. Shouldn’t she continue throwing her tantrums and me begging for her forgiveness.

Or maybe Chris sent her to convince to take him back. No, that will not happen in a parallel universe.

Chapter 49: Last straw to our hope 1

Chapter 49: Last straw to our hope 2


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