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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 320


Everyone was finally around. Other than Jake’s wolf that wasn’t likely coming back, we had all survived Yuri and his cult.

They had attacked and attempted to destroy me and everyone I cared about but we had persevered against all odds.

I was grateful for how things played out. We made new friends and strengthened old bonds in the process.

I was grateful for it.

We wanted to go get our children immediately but we all soon decided that it was best to get on with the sentencing before we reunite with our children. Because of this, we had set the hearing for the following day, and every noble family leader was to be in attendance. I did not want Yuri’s death to be easy and quick. I wanted it to be hard and slow and I had devised the best way to have that happen.

I planned to chip away at his sanity and life as he did to others for many years. I planned to make him beg for death. He was an arrogant fool and I planned to crush his pride until there was nothing left. He deserved no sympathy and he wasn’t going to get any. As for Ighor, I was going to leave him at the mercy of Vino and Andrew. He had deceived them greatly and it was only befitting that they get their pound of flesh back.

I exited the closet in my official attire and looked at Tamia who stood in front of the mirror, admiring her figure in her cream short dress and tweeded suit jacket. She looked beautiful. Gracing her neck was a pearl necklace with pear earrings to match. The golden metal holding the pearls together glittered. She had her hair in a bun. She looked regal and serious-minded, she also looked delicate and charming. She was a beauty. She turned to look at me and smiled.

“How are you feeling your majesty,” She said and I laughed.

“Anxious. Can't wait to get it over with so we can get Liam and Harper back. I miss them,” I said, confessing my true feelings towards the separation for the first time. Tamia gently covered her lips with moistened eyes fighting back her tears of joy.

“Me too,” Was all she could manage and I went to hold her. I held her in my arms until she was calm.

“After this no more. This is it,” I said and she nodded while breaking away from my embrace. She admired my outfit and helped make some adjustments then stepped away from the mirror and stood behind me so I could see myself.

I pulled her to my side and then looked in the mirror to see us together. We had indeed come a long way.

She looked just as gorgeous as she did the day I set my eyes on her. There was still mischieve in her eyes the type that would make me place her over my shoulder and spank her. She was still Tamia and I love her dearly.

"Shall we?” I asked her and she nodded.

We left the estate in a convoy. Travelling through the road that led to the city was easy for the first time in a while. We were glad we wouldn't have to watch our backs. There wouldn’t be an Ighor in the woods with a bazooka or a machine gun firing bullets at us. No one would have the bright idea of ramming into our vehicles and sprinkling silver dust in the air to incapacitate us. It was finally over.

We arrived at the King’s hall and met a massive crowd.

People were screaming with joy and jubilating.

One thing that caught my eye about the crowd was the Stepanovs in their midst. They had finally come out of hiding. I saw them with signs jubilating and expressing their gratitude.

The Fair-haired people blended nicely with the crowd. The lords were the first to alight their vehicles and when the Stepanovs came out the scream of Joy was Intensified. I saw Alexei, Clay, Amelia and Leo wave at the crowd.

While Andrew and Erik made their way into the hall. People were happy and they were throwing flower petals at them. I could guess the reaction came mostly from the women in the crowd. Too bad only Clay was available and he did not seem interested. They made their way in and it was time for Tamia and me to alight and enter the hall.

The moment we stepped out, the crowd began to hail us, singing the northern anthem, grateful that we were victorious and indeed there will only be one king. Tamia and I waved at them and allowed people to take pictures before entering the hall. There was a big screen outside with speakers so the crowd could witness what was going on in the hall. It was a judgement and sentencing so it was traditional that everyone will be a part of it. We also made provision for the events to be televised so that people from all over would see it.

Tamia and I entered and made our way to our Loge.

Everyone was seated in their places. Leo, Erik, Andrew, Devin and the rest of the council members were in their seats, Likewise the lords too. They were in their place. Marcel's father, Lucas, My mother and Jake were in their place too. Jake looked frail and shouldn’t have come but he insisted he wanted to witness the sentencing. I could understand him. They had no reason for what they did to him. To think he lost his wolf for nothing. It was a hard thing but we were glad to have him with us and their wedding was still going to take place. Erik was hopeful Jake’s wolf will return but there was no guarantee. Gezel sat beside her daughter in the Lord’s Loge where Leo should have been seated if he wasn't the head of the council. I noticed Gezel’s eyes wandered to Erik from time to time and he looked at her and smiled. I was ready to bet that something was up between them, but I will do that in a less serious situation.

Leo addressed everyone and started the hearing. The southern Alphas were the first to be arraigned.

“You all are guilty of committing treason, against your people, against the head alpha of the south and your King, what do you plead?” Leo asked them. The tone indicated this was just a formality.


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