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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 321


We returned home from the hearing feeling incredibly happy. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted off our shoulders. We had been so worried that something terrible would happen, but it all stopped suddenly, and we made it through unharmed. I was filled with joy and couldn't wait to see my children again. The time we spent apart felt so long, and I missed them dearly. But now, we could finally relax.

Sylvester held my hand as we drove home, appreciating the beauty of the trees around us. We no longer had to fear for our lives. There was no need to worry about someone attacking us or shooting at us out of nowhere. It was all over.

I looked at Sylvester, who caught my attention by gently touching my hand.

"We did it," I said, and he smiled and softly touched my cheek.

"Yes, we did," he replied. We both realised that we had won, and we allowed ourselves to savour the moment.

We sat quietly in the back of the car, enjoying the view as we drove home. Finally, we arrived, and we all got out of the car and went inside. I had planned a small evening party in the living room as a surprise, so I told everyone to gather there after changing into more comfortable clothes.

"Please join Sylvester and me in the living room once you've changed out of your formal attire," I announced to everyone. Sylvester raised an eyebrow, curious about my plan.

"What's the occasion, my love?" Sylvester asked as we climbed the stairs.

"Just a little time to relax and connect now that we're all here," I replied.

"I'm sure they'll appreciate the gesture, my dear," he said, gently kissing my hand.

We returned to our room, changed into casual clothes, and headed to the living room.

We were the first ones to arrive.

The staff did a wonderful job. Everything was prepared—the drinks, the snacks, and the entertainment.

Happiness would finally return to the Volkov estate.

Sylvester instructed Bryce and Levi to bring our children, and I was filled with anticipation, longing to see little Liam and Harper again. I missed them so much, but I tried to contain my excitement.

I made sure the staff prepared spring rolls just to tease Amelia and Leo. They used to make spring rolls in their kitchen in the East, It was the default snack Omega Macy served every time, and it brought back memories of being with everyone in their packhouse. It was a fun time, and I hoped we could do it more often. Amelia and Leo were great hosts, and the place was enjoyable, despite Yuri's tricks.

"Spring rolls," Sylvester said, eyeing the tray of delicious snacks, and I laughed. He knew exactly why I included them.

"And sandwiches, too!" he exclaimed wide-eyed, and I laughed.

It reminded me of the bet we won against the men and how we punished ourselves with sandwiches. I had never eaten so many sandwiches in my life. It was a memory to cherish.

"Leo and Amelia will be thrilled," he added, and I nodded, laughing, knowing exactly how uninterested they would be. They were tired of the stuff.

Sylvester took my hand and held me in his arms, and like a gentle dance, we swayed to the soft background music.

Resting my head against his chest, I let his scent fill my senses, reassuring myself that the danger was over and we could finally be happy and live our lives.

"You know, we should be doing this in our bedroom, green eyes," he whispered, dangerously close to my ears, arousing me in the process. I sighed, trying to suppress my sudden desire for him.

"We have the rest of our lives to celebrate," I managed to say, and he spun me around, pulling me back into his arms.

The music and the mood were perfect, but since we were in a public place, I had to settle for enjoying our dance together.

"I see you started the party without us," I heard David's cheerful voice, accompanied by Nicole's giggles. We stopped dancing and looked at them.

David reached for Nicole’s hand and playfully imitated our dance moves.

"Don't stop the fun on our account; this is a well-deserved lounge ball," David said, and we all laughed.

Sylvester and I resumed our dance, and slowly, everyone arrived and joined in, immersing themselves in the joyful atmosphere.

When we were all present, I paused the music to address everyone.

I looked around. Every one of us was there.

I looked at each person, their attention fixed on me, waiting to hear my words.

Susan sat on Devin's lap, looking healthy and happy. Their joy was finally complete.

Avery and Marcel couldn't keep their hands off each other, as always.

Linda rested against Theo's body, filled with contentment.

Amelia sat on Leo's lap, eagerly anticipating my words, while Leo looked at her in awe. Seeing them, I knew he wouldn't mess it up.

Nicole and David sat side by side, the oldest love in the room still strong and unbreakable. Vino held Claudia in his arms, their joy and peace evident from their calm expressions.

Katya sat on Dominic's lap, his hand gently caressing her growing baby bump.

Alexei, Clay, Andrew, and Nelson stood at the bar, waiting for me to speak. Max and Kyle sat in individual chairs, radiating happiness and contentment.

Gezel and Erik stood together at the bar. They hadn't officially become a couple yet, but it was clear that they were heading in that direction.


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