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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 345


The next day, I rose early, my bags already packed and ready for our journey to Grizlo. Miles was also awake, and it struck me that this was the first time we would be separated like this. I couldn't help but wonder why our parents had chosen to send our team ahead of the others. The idea of reuniting in four months seemed puzzling as well. I knew I would miss them all, and it was evident that they were already feeling our absence.

Miles attempted to conceal his emotions, but I could sense that he would keenly feel Oliver's absence. Marvin had no twin, so he was fine. Josephine and Charlotte would undoubtedly experience the same separation from their siblings. Even I would feel it because in tough times, Harper was always there to support me. Now, I had to carry on without my twin. Although four months might appear to be a brief period, it was certain to feel like an eternity.

Despite my eagerness to strengthen my bond with Josephine, the thought of finding Sophia and ensuring her safety remained pressing. Oliver's warnings echoed in my mind, and I resolved not to let things escalate to that point.

"We will be having breakfast together," Uncle Leo's words resounded in my head, making it clear that only the team members would join our parents for breakfast. Setting our luggage aside for the staff to load it into the van, Oliver and I made our way to the general dining room. As I approached the entrance, a familiar scent of dill enveloped my senses, confirming Josephine's presence. I took a deep breath, and Oliver couldn't help but chuckle as he understood what I was going through.

We entered the dining room, and to my surprise, only our fathers were present. Noah and Sebastien appeared ecstatic, and I couldn't blame them; going on an adventure was a rare and thrilling experience.

Without hesitation, I took a seat beside Josephine, immediately sensing my father's disapproval as I was supposed to sit at the tail end of the table.

"Alpha Justin can have the seat," I declared, causing the rest of the team to burst into laughter while teasing Justin with his newfound title. Justin laughed and settled into the chair, but my father's expression grew suspicious. He could sense that something was amiss, but I tried to act nonchalantly. Lord Alexei, too, seemed to be eyeing us with curiosity, and I hoped they wouldn't figure it out for our own sake. Perhaps I needed to dial down our interactions a bit.

"I see you're finally getting along with Liam, princess," Alexei remarked aloud; it was obvious he wanted everyone to hear because he might as well have linked his daughter. I glanced at Josephine, who looked genuinely puzzled.

"We've always gotten along," she innocently argued, though most of our fathers seemed to disagree.

"If that's what you believe, so be it," Uncle Vino chimed in, his gaze directed at Charlotte.

"You knock them dead and show them what the Lawrences are made of," he playfully teased Charlotte, who beamed at him and nodded enthusiastically.

"I am looking forward to the adventure," she replied, prompting Uncle Leo to clear his throat and direct his attention to his sons.

"Stay out of trouble, you two, especially you, Noah," he said, shooting a pointed look at Justin.

"And if they happen to cause you any stress or get into trouble, feel free to dismiss them and send them home. Noah can be quite stubborn and adventurous, and Sebastien has his moments too," Uncle Leo added in a serious tone. I couldn't help but chuckle at my cousins, who were visibly frowning and feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sure they'll be just fine," Uncle David chimed in as the maids began serving our meal.

We delved deeply into the details of the trip, and Justin shared his planned strategy.

"I believe it would be unwise to divulge the purpose of our visit and the details of our investigation to the Gamma and Delta of Grizlo," Josephine interjected, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

"Whatever happened between the Alpha and beta, it's likely known to the Gamma and delta. At this juncture, we can't determine who is at fault. If Mike is to blame, then we can trust the Gamma and Delta. However, if it's Alpha Thompson who's at fault, then involving the other two in our investigation would complicate matters, as they wouldn't want us to uncover their misdeeds," she explained, making a valid point.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" Oliver inquired, and Noah stepped up to respond.

"Nothing, for now. We can't apprehend the Gamma and Delta based solely on speculations. Even if we have some circumstantial evidence, we need to allow them to remain free and potentially make a mistake that plays into our hands. Revealing our true intentions is out of the question. We cannot let them know we are on a mission to uncover the truth," Noah explained, and his reasoning was sound.

"That's why Lady Stephanie and Alpha Jake Brighton will have to return to Grizlo," Sebastian proposed.

"Their protection will serve as the cover for our presence," Charlotte added, piecing together the rationale. Uncle Vino couldn't help but applaud the idea.


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