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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 346


The sun and moon became a precious luxury, as I only caught fleeting glimpses of the moon and felt the warm rays of the sun through a tiny window in the room where we were being held captive.

In this confined space, my mother and I lived in fear, desperately holding onto hope for a miracle. Since the video my father had recorded, showcasing our plight, I hadn't seen him again.

My mother worried that something terrible had befallen him, but deep down, I couldn't believe it. Somehow, I had an inexplicable sense that as long as he was alive, they would keep us alive as well.

I had lost track of time, but it was evident that several weeks had flown by quickly. The phone I used to communicate with Liam had died, and I had no means to charge it, leaving me anxious about what might be happening on his end. Was he still searching for me, or had he given up and moved on?

The way the people around us handled our captivity gave me a strong inkling that Liam had indeed used his influence. It seemed evident that he had pulled some strings, and our captors had ensured we had no freedom as a result. The recent tightening of security further supported my suspicion that the search for us had intensified.

My mother believed that efforts to locate my father had also intensified, but I couldn't share her confidence. I knew Liam well enough to understand that he never made empty promises, so I had no doubt that he was diligently working to find us and save us.

I regretted not attending Liam's graduation that night. Perhaps he could have found a way to help me escape this nightmare. But how could I have known?

My father had insisted that I skip the party, and now I couldn't help but wonder if he had orchestrated this situation intentionally rather than it being a mere coincidence. The thought of him intentionally risking our lives was infuriating, and I felt anger towards him and even my mother for failing to see his errors.

My mother seemed oblivious to his faults, which only added to my frustration. I understood support, but her blindness to his actions was unhealthy for both of us.

Suddenly, the sound of the lock turning on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I turned to face the door, and my mother sat up on her single bed, her face filled with paranoia. I chose to ignore it; being paranoid wouldn't solve anything right now. The truth was, we were in a dire situation, and our lives were no longer in our control. These people held all the power, and they could end us at their whim, without anyone ever knowing.

The Alpha of the place where we were held captive entered the room, accompanied by another man carrying two trays of food. As the Alpha nodded, the man placed the food on the tables beside our beds.

My mother stood up and respectfully bowed to greet the Alpha, but he wasn't my Alpha, and I refused to show him any form of respect. I had refused to greet him ever since our arrival. As expected, the man who was serving the food forcefully pulled me up and slapped me hard across the face, causing me to fall back down. My mother gasped in shock, as she always did, but I remained silent, showing no sign of pain. I knew I was intentionally frustrating the Alpha with my stoic response.

"You're quite the tough one," the Alpha remarked, amusement evident in his voice. The man was about to pull me up and strike me once more, but the Alpha intervened, halting his actions.

"She'd rather face death than show me any respect," the Alpha said aloud, accurately pinpointing my stance. He was right; I would rather endure any consequence than bow to the douchebag. Whatever his issues were with my father, it didn't entitle him to my respect. He shouldn't expect any kindness or compliance from me. I was resolute in standing my ground.

The Alpha approached me and forcefully made me stand up, then he lifted my chin to peer into my eyes.

"What connection do you have with the crowned prince?" he inquired, trying to search for answers in my eyes. However, I remained steadfast and refused to respond. I had made it a point to never speak to him or answer any of his questions. Seeing how my actions frustrated him brought me some satisfaction, and I intended to keep frustrating him until I was either freed or dead.

"Is he your boyfriend?" he probed further, and I couldn't help but find amusement in that question. Oh, how I wished that were true. I had secretly crushed on and admired Liam for many years, but he had never reciprocated those feelings. He never asked me out or professed any romantic affection towards me. We remained good friends, but I knew I wasn't his type, and that reality was a bittersweet truth for me.

The Alpha released his grip on me and began to laugh.


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