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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 347


Arriving at Grizlo filled me with excitement. While the purpose of our visit wasn't joyous, the prospect of putting our abilities to the test filled me with enthusiasm. I secretly hoped to stay in Liam’s wing, but I didn't want to impose or ask for it. So, when he eventually invited me to stay with him, it thrilled me beyond words.

Naturally, I had to hide my excitement, as Charlotte, with her keen eye, would never let me live it down. The fact that Liam chose a room next to his own made me feel incredibly valued and significant.

We had made remarkable progress in such a short time, but the recent turn of events left me wondering what could have possibly transpired.

"Sophia isn't around," Onyx's voice echoed in my mind, instantly dampening my spirits. My wolf had a way of being a killjoy at times.

Curious, I probed further, asking Onyx what she meant by that. However, she remained silent, leaving me to ponder her words as I stepped into the bathroom to freshen up. The statement lingered in my mind, raising questions about Liam's sudden kindness. Could it be connected to Sophia's absence? Was he missing her and seeking comfort in my company?

It struck me because Liam had never attempted to bridge the awkward gap between us. He had always kept his distance, seemingly unaware of my discomfort around him and Sophia. It made me realise that my father's instincts were right in picking up on the signs, but I hadn't fully grasped the situation until Onyx brought up Sophia during breakfast.

I reluctantly got dressed, lacking enthusiasm for going out, and decided to forgo my contact lenses and eyeliner. Lost in my thoughts, a soft knock on my door interrupted me. I got up, trying to shake off the sombre mood, and went to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Liam, dressed in a fresh white shirt and jeans, appearing as if he had just showered, emanating a pleasant scent of soap. His face lit up with a broad grin when he saw me.

"You freshened up too," he remarked, and I absentmindedly touched my damp hair, realising I had skipped both my contacts and eyeliner. Before I could react further, Liam gently reached out and pulled my hand away from my face.

"Don't even think about it," he said, his intentions unclear as I furrowed my brow, wondering what he meant by that.

Liam inched closer, but I stood my ground by the door. He stepped so close that I had to tilt my head upward to meet his gaze. Being in such proximity sent butterflies swirling in my stomach. Why did he have to be so incredibly attractive? It was simpler when I considered him a douchebag, but this newfound side of him would be difficult to resist.

"Liam," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. He gently caressed my cheeks with both hands, guiding them to keep my eyes locked onto his.

"Your eyes are the most captivating feature of your face, Joe. They are truly beautiful. Please, don't cover them, at least for now. I'll see if I can arrange some transparent contacts for you. I simply adore gazing into those eyes," Liam said, leaving me utterly astonished.

"Well, I guess you were wrong, Onyx because Sophia does not have Stepanov eyes," I linked my wolf, and she huffed in response.

Liam withdrew his hands as if snapping out of a trance and took a gentle step back, creating an unseen distance between us.

"I was hoping you'd join me for a walk. Since you haven't been to Grizlo often, it would be an honour to show you around," he suggested with a warm smile.

I saw his wolf flash again, but I pretended not to because I noticed he didn't want me to notice it either. All I could figure out now was that his wolf was also fond of me, and now that his wolf had flashed just like it did when he asked me to stay in his wing and many other times we were together, I could easily tell Alex was hopeful I would say yes.

"I would love to," I replied, noticing the instant excitement in Liam's eyes. Alex also briefly flashed, and I was pleased that I could now understand his wolf's emotions.

"Keep in mind that we won't be dining with the others. I've got a wonderful restaurant in mind that I'd like to take you to," he said, waiting for me to get ready. I slipped on my slippers, grabbed a jacket, and decided to forgo the eyeliner today.

With a smile, I walked out of my room, and Liam and I strolled together out of the beta's wing. As we stepped outside, we spotted Marvin engaged in a phone conversation. I knew exactly who he was talking to, and I doubted that Alpha Devin would permit his daughters to come to Grizlo.

I felt a pang of sympathy for the Corrigan sisters. Hopefully, their father would have a change of heart, and they would join us in the second batch.

As Liam and I stepped out together, he gently held my hand, and the touch instantly eased my nerves. But a mix of questions and doubts flooded my mind. Was this gesture merely friendly, or did it hold a deeper meaning? Did he hold Sophia's hand like this? Were they as close as we seemed to be now? Did his wolf react in the same way when they were together? And the most haunting question: Would he have made a move like this if Sophia hadn't disappeared?

Despite my attempts to clear my mind of these thoughts, they persisted, incessantly echoing within me. Onyx had undoubtedly stirred up a whirlwind of emotions, and her silence spoke volumes about the situation.

"The pack house is at the heart of Grizlo, and you can practically reach any destination from here. However, taking a cab will save us time this time," Liam explained, glancing briefly at me before signalling for a cab.

"Why didn't we just take one of the cars?" I inquired, and he gently squeezed my hand as a cab pulled up in front of us.

"Because Onyx and Alex will bring us back," he replied, implying that we would shift and run back. The memory of our last exhilarating run during the picnic party brought a smile to my face, and I couldn't help but let out a small squeal at the thought. My reaction elicited a grin from him, and he reached out to open the cab door for me. I hopped in, and he followed suit.

"Take us to Fellowship Park, private section," Liam instructed the cab driver, who seemed pleasantly surprised to have such distinguished passengers.

"Yes, your highness. Good evening, Lady Stepanov," the driver greeted me, acknowledging my status as the true heir of my generation, with Noah falling second due to being a Volkov and an Alpha. I smiled back at the cab driver, and Liam did the same.

Initially, we sat a bit apart, but feeling bold, I decided to take a chance and moved closer to Liam. To my delight, he welcomed the proximity and held me close to him. It felt surreal, and I could hardly believe that this was happening. However, I tried not to overthink it and simply enjoyed the moment.

Reflecting on the past, I wondered if I had acted too hastily in trying to talk to him two years ago. Perhaps things would have unfolded differently between us. Regardless, I was grateful that we managed to cross that bridge and reach this point. Now, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a possibility for us to be more than just friends.

Snuggling in closer to him, I breathed in his comforting and pleasant scent. I felt safe in his arms as he gently stroked my arm, creating an atmosphere of warmth and affection between us.

As we arrived at the park, the cab driver refused to accept payment from Liam, much to his insistence. The driver was simply overjoyed that we had chosen his cab. It dawned on me that the Volkovs didn't typically use public transportation while they were in Grizlo. I couldn't resist teasing Liam about it, as it seemed evident that this decision was influenced by my presence.


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