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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 30

Mayhem, JJ, and Sam meet at the bar at 6 am. “Did you get confirmation of where she is?” Mayhem asks.

“I talked to Mrs. Bee this morning. They are still there.” Sam replies.

JJ gets into the back of the SUV. As the three men get ready to leave, JJ has an unusual feeling. “Something is wrong.” He says. Mayhem and Sam look at him blankly.

“What is it?” Sam asks. JJ has multiple images going through his head.

“I’m not sure guys. It has something to do with Camilla Dawn and Key.” JJ replies. He scratches his head.

 JJ has a gift of sight. He can see the past, the present, and sometimes the future. The future has always been a little more difficult for him. He says the future is always changing and there is no way to tell what will happen. The present is more of his area. JJ can usually tell when things are about to go to hell. 

They tossed JJ out of heaven and bound him to earth. When he landed on the topside, he had a troublesome time learning the ropes. His sight helped. He used it to find people like him. 

There are a lot of celestials on earth. They live amongst everyone. They have jobs and families. JJ loved the golden city and hated the topside when he first arrived. No one knows what JJ did to get tossed out. He never said and always felt some things are better kept to yourself. JJ did just that. He kept his self to his self. 

“She had the twins,” JJ says. Sam tries hard to hide how he feels. The other two men can tell this bothers him.

 “She will be okay, man. She will survive this. She has key with her. One thing I can say about Key, she is tough. She will protect Camilla Dawn,” Mayhem says. JJ scans the images in his head.  

“I don’t think Key is with her anymore. I think. I am not sure, but I think. Damn, I hate to even speak it.” 

JJ stops and scans the images. “I think Daniel is going to kill her.”

“Kill who? Camilla?” Sam asks. “No, No No!” JJ reaches into the front seat and pats Sam on the shoulder.

 “No man, not Camilla. I think they are going to kill Key. Actually, I am positive that is his plan.” JJ says.

“Now what?” Sam says, “Mayhem we have to.”

“Listen, I can go to New Orleans alone. I will be fine. I can monitor Perdition and you guys can meet me down there in a few days. Just go get Key.” Mayhem tells the two men. They all agree to separate. 

Mayhem gets out of the SUV, gathers his bags, and goes back into the bar. He sits down at the bar to have a drink with Tiffany before he leaves again.

“Tiff, is there anyone that can watch the bar for a few days?” he asks her.

“Yeah. I can get Thomas to take over, why?” she asks.

 “Come with me to New Orleans. I need an extra set of eyes.” He says. 


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