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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 34

The Devils Café was owned and operated by Mrs. Bee since her husband died. He bought the café because Bee loved the view from the balcony. It connected to her B & B, and she wanted to look out from the upstairs and drink her jack laced coffee every morning. She told him it would be a good business investment. He knew she loved the view. 

She went there every morning since they opened the B & B. He gave her the key to the Devils Café on their 10th wedding anniversary. She loved that little bar. Sam helped her run it when he was in New Orleans and now her daughter Maria and her son-in-law Ernie run it.

She doesn’t go upstairs as often. In her later years, her knees bother her too much to go up the steps to the view she loves so much. Now and then she will still make it up to her beloved view of the city. Bee has a passion for New Orleans. A passion only a lifelong resident of the city has. 

“Sam,” Maria called to him as he walked into the bar behind Angie. Sam waved as he and Angie made their way to the bar. Maria was not waiting for him to get to the bar. She ran straight to him. “I have missed you.” She grabbed him and kissed him on the check. “Are you back?” she asked.

Angie stepped up. “Yep, and ask him he who has with him,” Angie says.

“Not her,” Maria says.

“Let’s not do this,” Sam says. “I need a drink,” Sam walks to the bar.  

“Is it bad?” Maria asks Angie.

“You do not understand. I dislike what is going on. I tell you. It is not good.” Angie says.

 Maria and Angie had made a habit of looking after Sam. This would be no different. They were going to make sure he came out of this. Their worst fear was Camilla Dawn going back to the black magic. 

What Camilla practiced was beyond black magic, it was something so dark it would scare the devil. Angie and Maria were both witches. Maria and her husband were quite hippy types. They loved everyone.

 Maria fed the homeless when she wasn’t at the bar. If she had a moment to spare, she was fixing meals and taking them to anyone on the street. She made small bags to give the homeless. Maria loved to serve her fellow human beings.  

          Angie came to work for Bee when she was homeless. Maria found her on the street with her dog. Angie walked out of a terrible relationship with nothing but her dog.  

When Angie met Maria, she asked her to get her dog off the street. Maria knew there was something special about her and took her to the B & B. She put her and Wally up at the B & B that night. 

The next day Bee gave her a job. Angie has been there ever since. Wally was protective of Mrs. Bee. He loved her as much as he loved Angie. No one messed with the ladies at the B & B. Wally was sweet, but he would eat you up if you messed with his women. 

Sam settled down at the bar. He asked the bartender for a bottle. He had a feeling the girls were about to lay into him and he was not about to have this conversation sober. The bartender put a bottle of whiskey on the bar.

 “How many glasses do you need, Sam?” Bob asked. Bob was another homeless man Maria had given a job to.


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