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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 8

Chapter eight

 Day three

I am still at the farm. I do not want to leave. Why can I not just stay here? I know I cannot stay here. There is so much to be done and as quickly as possible. I feel so connected here. This place feels like home.

 “This is your home Perdition.” I hear a voice speaking to me but I am not sure who it is.

 I am losing my mind. The void was hard on me. My mind keeps going back to it. I have spent my life not belonging anywhere. I do not belong in the underworld, I do not belong in the void, and I do not belong here. I feel lost. I am hurting.

 I want to talk to my father. I have so many questions for him. I want him to know I am okay and that I love him. I want him to know I understand why he killed Koko. I may not agree but I understand.

 Celestials deal with their problems so differently than normal people. I wonder if he is capable of forgiving me for leaving. I hope he understands I had no choice but to flee that hell.

 I will return to him someday but first I need to find my brother and my mother. I wish my father could help me. Get it together and get out of your head P.

Mayhem is coming. I hear his boots on the floor. The sound is familiar to me. I want to remember.

“Perdition, we need to go. We have located Ryan in a small town just a little north of here. Are you ready for a road trip?” he speaks softly to me.

 I could tell he was worried. I think every single person I have met is worried.

“I am ready. Let’s go!”I say as I jump up.  T

here is no sense in sitting here feeling sorry for me. I have a job to do. I remind myself who I am and I walk out the door to the truck.

Big orange is ready and waiting. Mayhem is waiting for me. I step up into big orange.

“Are we going to die today Mayhem?” I ask.

“Not today my lady. We are going to collect my brother and maybe yours.” He says.

 He smiles at me. That smile is amazing.

He cranks the truck. He started driving down the dirt road.

“Do not be afraid, Perdition. I will protect you with my life. You will survive this.” He says.

“I am not afraid Mayhem.” I turn to him. “Mayhem I know you will protect me but it is not necessary,” I tell him.

 I do not want him to get hurt. I know we are connected. I want to know more about him.

We ride silently for hours. I lay my head against the window. My eyes are so heavy. I need a nap. My mind is scrambling with images of the void, my brother, my father, KoKo, and a voice I do not know.

I feel a deep connection with him. It is more than the connection I feel to the other descendants. I have felt something with all the descendants but with Mayhem it is different.

Mayhem is singing along as he drives. I love music on the topside. One of my favorite things so far is the music.

“Perdition, are you awake?” he asks me as he breaks from his singing.

 “Yes, I am. Where are we?” I ask as I raise my head and look at the road.

“We are on HWY 64. We are almost there. We are picking up Sunnie first.” He continues to sing Rooster.

“Who is Sunnie?” I ask.

I am so puzzled right now. I have met so many people and now one more.

“You'll love her,” he tells me.

I guess he can see my stress. Three days on the topside and everything in my life is crazy! I know everything will be okay. I trust Mayhem.

He is slowing down I guess we are getting close. I see a sign for a road. Lagrange Holler. Seriously who names these places? Mayhem turns down the dirt road labeled Lagrange Holler and slows down.

He is taking it easy as he travels down the gravel road. “She will come out and get in the truck with us. Be calm. Move over closer to me.” He tells me as he moves some things from the center of his truck. 


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