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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride novel Chapter 883

Chapter 883 

Chive Summen bewe hatched mighty and suckerly shrew her out and grabbed state chan 

Dret take was dibutostly erased, and the words tha spoka came but in a weak fara lika tha bun dia menoutu

James was folowing behind Presley burges, sanding at the turcase entrance, wat hirp te wo of them

ng Cho cold, domineering demeanor, Presley eyes look and calm 


on the oer hand, was deeply shocked Even though it was small get Cho 

and the lady who was coming back somonne, just the two of them had the own unique 

Tha woman oher than being for a door lampy, was date dood ofherwas

Chua comprately ignored Kane’s pani and unwase lightly holding hat chin and lore lillylting up her done at laca 

The ght before her caused his cold 

it was flowing her very bones 

pect, they we even mushes Now lacking at Chow, hay had been together for a long time anamily’s muse we enough to prove she was a man wom 

stay bnghen he moved aside the hair on ahead and an eqular back in the canter other forehead immediately caught her eye Chichid her offer hand and gently had the throat heat 

later face was bull of panic, her eyes tiled with bar and preading Tint. Dunklank

How the hand on her chi ddetmisasa hugg 



Fearing the cool fingerpa tightly tracing her birthmark Kate wished she could trh a place to hide body involym, the harsh lauger and mocking orces achang in her cars Var 


1 heard abmark My momsad my birtman is on my but He is on hea, how 

Turk of art bother me?” 

From chodhod to adulthood whenever she went she would become the thing she had no trends. Even her farmly was indtrent to her No ond cand 

the wad studied and add more things on her own, there were so many things she wanted to do, but they we at held back because of this beha 

why calling her over she would never go out 

Undly, this woman, from the very beginning, directly uncoed her wound 

Che’s words brought fent expressions to the faces of those in the room Kate’s body and even more, and she looked at Chico in asliet 

The sand bea 

Chicks eyes shimmered with a tenge light Heang Kate’s pace of disbelie the lowered her eyes, herbeight eyes sweeping over the womartace 

Untouched by make her sun was glowing and smooth Her eyes were exceptionally beautful, deid of any hostile emas, displaying oneness, grace, as well as a hint of shyness and suprise. CHİN QA & Kight sms, looking straight into her eyes, and asked Do you think it’s ugly?” 

The sad placing her finger on her birtmadı 

Kate’s eyes fick and her a moment she gave a somewhat sorrowful smile. Don’t conforme Do you think it’s beaus? You wort undiestard From childhood 

hood, the king ofte te lived because of 11 No one Hangate’s words, Chion felt warmth in her heart she no longer teases lack of selfconfidence was due to her own deacy. On the copy she might have her own unique alt in some aspects

verything everyone says always right? Does the only person with a aferent opinion have to be wrong

Due to her heght advantage, Chice locked down athe with a slight smile on her face 

speak but Chice continued ou’le just accepted their point of view 

mang said that Choe let go ofte 

Katinctly started to sort out her hair, tryg her best to cover the birthmark. Chloe just watched her and smiled talety Lets go for a walk 

KUT WAS SOMEwhat reluctant clutching white canvas bag in her hand hy 

On the bag was an use moon panem Chloe’s eyes swept over it, flashing with interest, she suddenly bent down so lock at the bag in her hand 

Upon a closer look, the realized that the panem was indeed embroidered 

Where and you buy this cloth bag 

Kateteated a lie, looking at Chloe, who was locking up at her and she named her face to one side, embroidered myselt 

Chice was taken aback, and simed to look in the action of staircase erance

James and Presley kard underhergabe Presley coughed heavly and disa 

Chips gave a small mic and said helplessly, Teach me so when you have ame” 



By the time they ready to eat, a car had already been amongod to wait for them 

They out in car and headed straight for the nearestmall

Then york naturally a lot of people in the mall, everyone dressed in us and designer clomes

teen mon restrained in such a place 

Seeing her almost while nenously acting on meeles Chloe quickly graced her hand Her palm was full of cold sweat teed to pull her hand back, but Chice didn’t let go 

Although she had doubted Chic words at the Harper family, Chloe’s proacthe approach now made Kase feel a bit war 

The two went straight to the coming section Chice picked out towards sea she wanted to by on Kase, but Kate, being nervous, dodged temall 


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