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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 114

Part 18

“You didn’t decide that.” Fire suddenly stated. “Who’ll do what when, that is. You precogged it just now, along with knowing that it’ll be a big night, right?”

Amirgath cocked an eyebrow at her. “If by ‘precogged’, you mean precognition, including foreseeing, soothsaying, and prophesy, then yes, you’re right. How did you know?”

She shrugged. “I just got a feeling off you like I get when Six does it.”

“Interesting.” Amirgath nodded, then turned and looked at something to his left.

“Excuse me, my protégé arrives.” he announced, and appeared three hundred meters away beside a vast Translocation circle just as Zarkog appeared within it.

The space Amirgath had vacated was filled almost immediately by Grakonexikaldoron, and the gold dragon exchanged greetings with the group as she gave Somonik a hug with one arm and her tail.

“Strange to see him here.” growled Osbald, whose eyes hadn’t left Zarkog since the instant the great black dragon had arrived.

“He put his mark of justice right under his ass, six millimeters wide.” Six revealed with a giggle.

“Typical.” Osbald growled, then couldn’t help but smile at the humor of it. “Though he’s sworn, sentenced, and punished, he’s seen the error of his ways, and he’s even apologized, he’s still unrepentant.”

“He is a bit of a character, isn’t he?” Fire chuckled.

“He is, to say the least.” Osbald chuckled. “You seem more… tolerant, of him, than I’d expect you to be.”

She shrugged and smiled. “We have uses for him. For one, he’s gonna kill a lot of demons, I expect.

“You have uses for him.” Osbald repeated with a grin. “Well that’s lucky for us, since I have no use for him whatsoever!”

Val floated up and gave him a hug around his neck and a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry, Osbald. We have uses for you too.” she giggled.

He laughed, then abruptly stopped when he realized that they were completely serious, despite their warm smiles. Then he laughed even harder.

The rest chuckled along with him, until Senchak’s gaze was drawn to new arrivals. “I find it damn strange seeing Zwak Deathbringer and his Sylvan here in The Hall of The Just Alliance!” he grumbled.

“Isn’t it though?” Emeroth mused with a raised eyebrow as they watched the Sylvan take their places.

Fire glanced to her left, her attention drawn by a ten-year-old human boy who was desperately trying to hide the fact that he was weeping. He was accompanied by his mother who surreptitiously tried to comfort him, his father who ignored him, and his twelve-year-old sister who stood away from them two meters, embarrassed by her brother’s loss of control. All of them were openly watching the group around Mark with open and rapt fascination.

“Excuse me a moment.” Fire said as she turned to approach the weeping boy. She stopped quite close to him so she wouldn’t have to raise her voice over the constant noise of the thousands of conversations.

“What’s the matter?” she bluntly inquired.


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