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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 121

Part 18

He laid out Six’s reasons and suggestions about the time-bubbles in simple points, and concluded with; “For these reasons, I’m going to stick to the schedule I announced earlier; one week after the time-bubbles end, the new gods will Ascend.

“I’m sure The Assembly will find practical solutions to the political quandary we find ourselves in. Personally, I suggest we allow gods to serve as rulers. The core of the new policy of the gods since the end of The War Of The Founding is that the gods are now citizens of The Just Alliance with the same rights as the rest of us, no more and no less. Including the right to rule a nation, if their rule has legitimacy and they have the consent of the nation’s people. I hope to continue as Prince of Hilia after my Ascension.

“I suggest we wait until a week after the other potential new gods and I have Ascended, and then hold The Tournament of Governors. Let any enter the tournament who think they have the ability to provide us with the very best possible leadership, be they mortals or gods. And then, if The Assembly and the people of The Just Alliance all want the winners to lead us until the war with the demons is over, then I suggest they be empowered to do so.

“Now it’s been suggested that this huge gathering might become a huge celebration, and we definitely have things worth celebrating. But The Assembly of The Just Alliance may want to convene to discuss or decide some of the issues that’ve been raised before we all start to party.”

Somonik and Amirgath appeared on the dais beside him.

“We think not.” Amirgath stated. “You will not bring the new gods to Ascension for seven weeks. We need to decide whether gods can rule before we schedule the tournament, so we will know whether to include gods as participants, both new and old. No decisions need to be made immediately, and the issues that have been raised will require discussion among smaller groups before they are ready to be debated by the full Assembly.

“Therefore, I ask if The Assembly of The Just Alliance will agree to meet here in closed session in one week, three hours before midnight Standard Time?”

“Let the record show that all have agreed.” Somonik announced, then raised his head high and flared his wings.

“And now, we acknowledge the gift of magic and longevity to those who lacked it! We acknowledge that soon, we will have many new gods! We acknowledge our gains in warcraft, magic use, psionics, and social organization! May all of Kellaran offer our gratitude to those who have given us these gifts with a fitting occasion! We honor the residents of the Hiliani time-bubble!”

This was met by a huge and cacophonous cheering that seemed to shake the world.

To their surprise, Mark, his family, all the residents of Homestead, and the senior Hiliani Sylvan all appeared standing on a transparent surface thirty meters above the dais, just below the great Revealing, having been Translocated and supported by Amirgath.

“Take a bow, you deserve it!” Amirgath laughed at their surprise, so they did all bow to the assembly and the world in response to their audience’s increasingly manic applause. Then many of them began spontaneously hugging each other as they appreciated the crowd’s gratitude, while others just grinned and waved, and the unicorns pranced and reared. When they’d basked in the admiration as long as they wanted to, Amirgath put them back in their places as he declared to all the world; “And now, let the celebration begin!”

Jaunty music was heard throughout the great hall, and the light dimmed a bit more. Many began dancing, while the Xervian servers became very busy taking orders for snacks, drinks, alcoholic beverages, and other mild intoxicants. Unlike other meetings here, no chairs had been provided, which promoted mixing and mingling among all the many and diverse attendees.

“Now this is going to be one momentous party!” Kragorram chuckled.

“I think I’ll change into something more appropriate.” Povon smiled. In a blink, she Translocated to The Lair of The Lord Regent, then returned in a much smaller Simulacrum of herself about five meters long, which put her at eye level with a tall human.

“Good idea, Mother.” Karzog chuckled, and did the same.

So did Kragorram a moment later, and he gave Povon a cuddle with one arm and his tail, which she returned.

“There. Now we are of a size to dance with most of the attendees, should we wish to.” she laughed.

“I wonder what song this is? It’s nice!” Talia smiled as she bounced a bit to the lively tune. “It sure makes it hard to stand still!”

Visinniria appeared among them. “It’s a sailor’s song from Felion called ‘Coming Into Port.’” she revealed with a smile. “Selia, Human Goddess of Music, has chosen a selection of music that should appeal to almost everyone of every nation and race.”


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