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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 126

Part 19

“We should really start thinking about making preparations with the Triax as well.” Alilia volunteered. “We plan to go to war at their side, but we’re not training with them at all, except for some of the gods.”

“I’d almost forgotten about our plan to talk to the Triax about void warfare, we’ve been so busy.” Kragorram said as he scratched his beard. “But we’re almost ready for the meeting. Six and I spent some time on it three nights ago; we’ve reviewed the first team’s experience, we’ve grasped the mathematics, and the spells that convert from one numerical system to another are simple and reliable. We made some progress on translation from their language to ours, but it’s still very basic. We’ll probably need some divine help with that.

“But when we meet with them, we should discuss large-scale training with them. And it should be tonight or tomorrow morning, before the meeting of The Assembly, so that our leaders and the Triax leaders can co-ordinate.”

“Ah. One moment.” Quewanak nodded. He contemplated the surroundings for a few breaths, then nodded again. “Within an hour I’ll have a list of qualified military strategists, both mortal and divine, who are willing and available to help with conducting training exercises.

“The Triax will meet with you at five hours to midnight tonight, Standard Time, at The Royal Beach on Hilia.”

“Most Excellent.” Six smiled. “Thanks.”

“You are most welcome.” Quewanak nodded. “I’ll go now, to familiarize those who will conduct exercises with what Ria and I have done in that regard here.”

With that he was gone before any farewells could be said.

“We have almost four hours to finish preparing to meet with the Triax.” Kragorram pointed out. “Let’s get started.”

“We don’t have that much to do!” Six pointed out with a laugh. “I’m gonna finish my lunch first!”

“Fine, I’ll get started!” Kragorram laughed as he Retrieved his notes on the subject, and the rest chuckled as he set to reviewing them with exaggerated studiousness.

As it turned out, all of them wanted to attend the meeting with The Triax, even if only as observers.

By the time the meeting began, hundreds had asked to observe it in person, most of them military personnel and researchers from all over Kellaran. Six politely refused them all except Quewanak, Falgaroth, Visinniria, Amirgath, Somonik, Tithian, and Emperor Osbald of Thon, citing the need to avoid excess distraction. Those seven arrived a few minutes early, exchanged greetings, and took their places. The rest who had asked were allowed to join an Observing Link that Six and Kragorram set up.

Only Six and Kragorram and their close family would directly participate in interacting with The Triax; including Mark, Talia, Alilia, Fire, Val, Karz, and Povon. All of them were deeply Linked and waiting patiently at the appointed time.

A second later The Triax arrived, represented by First Mauve, another god of The Triax who was about three meters long and purple in color, and nineteen mortal Triax who swam about in a slightly-cloudy grayish liquid inside a huge transparent sphere almost thirty meters high, which floated over the water just off the beach. All of the Triax in it immediately swam over to the side of the sphere facing the beach and considered the Kellarani with their strangely-blinking three-eyed gazes. They seemed to be of every color in the rainbow, and ranged in size from one to eight meters in length.

“Greetings Prince Mark, to you and to your fine company.” First Mauve began. “This meeting shall have two purposes; to explain to you and to your people our methods of warfare in the void more effectively than has been done so far, and to begin the co-ordination of our forces for the coming conflict.

“Allow me to introduce First Purple, Triax Goddess of Flight, Fifth Eldest among us.”


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