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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 146

Part 22

“In order to protect Karzog, Povon checks quite thoroughly to see if anyone else has figured it out, and so far no one has, with the possible exception of Quewanak. She can’t check him without him knowing it, and knowing what she’s checking for. It’s quite likely that he’s figured it out, but Povon is pretty sure that it’s not the kind of thing he’d care about, one way or the other. If anyone else starts to figure it out, Povon will probably tamper with their minds just enough to make them forget about it.

“It’s no one’s business but your own, but Povon felt, and we agree, that we still need to know what’s going on in your lives so that we can do what we can to protect you, since you’re all still our dependent children, and still a long way from adulthood. We wouldn’t intrude on your privacy, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not going to be observant.”

“I understand.” Fire nodded, as Six and Val joined them on the sofa beside Mark and held hands.

“You all know that Six prophesized that he and I were each other’s destined loves.” Val quietly stated. “I was the last of us to know. Six told me the last time we were here, before the big brainstorming session. We haven’t even spoken of it to each other since then, but the knowledge is always there, coloring my thoughts, always.

“I don’t know if it would be smarter for us to try to defy the prophesy, but we’re not going to. We don’t want to. Besides, right now it doesn’t make any real difference anyway, and it won’t until we’re old enough to want to consummate our love. Without sex, it doesn’t really matter to the rest of the world if I love him as a friend, or as a brother, or as a husband. Or all three at once.

“But part of me really wishes we didn’t have to keep it secret to avoid problems. I wish I could do as you will today, and declare our love to the world, but I know we’ll never be able to have a real wedding.”

“Sure you will, same as me and Karz.” Fire assured her with a supportive caress on her shoulder. “We’ll just have to do it in complete disguise under assumed names in a very small gathering in a very remote and obscure place. After the war we’ll let ourselves fade from the public eye for a while first, and that’ll help too.”

“Thanks.” Val smiled. “But that’s not the same as doing it here in Laylas chapel, and feeling the magic binding and the magic love that this place adds to the marriage.”

She looked to Six and held his eyes with hers. “So today, at the same time that Mother is saying her vows to Father, in my heart and in my mind, I’ll be saying my vows to you. We should be close enough to them that the power released by their vows should cover ours, if such silent vows can even trigger the binding.”

“I’ll do the same, as Father says his vows.” Six quietly assured her.

“As will Karz and I.” Fire decided.

“I think that would be beautiful.” Mark told them. “But please, only do so if you’re absolutely and completely certain that it’s the right thing to do. All of you.”

“Yes Father.” Six assured him. “We fully realize the power and importance of such vows.”

He tilted his head to the side a bit and said; “Others are arriving.”


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