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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 185

Part 26

What they didn’t realize was that the blows of the trio were purely psionic. The motions of the punches and the kick were merely for show, and though the recipients thought they felt the stunning impacts and pain of the blows, none of it had really happened. Therefore none of them were injured, or even bruised.

The forty-four were now weeping without exception, though some of them were still angry and defiant.

“Now we’re going to give you some Readings.” Val announced both verbally and psionicly, to be sure she was heard over the beaten children’s crying.

“The first Reading you’re going to get is our father. Since we left the time-bubble we’ve started to keep a bit more to ourselves, and everyone has a few things they keep secret, even from their families. But before we left the time-bubble we shared our minds with our parents with almost no restrictions, and they did the same for us. We’re all still pretty open about most things. For the first time, you’re going to truly know our father. You’re going to know what he’s really like, and how much he loves you, and how hard he’s tried to do right by you, and how much you’ve hurt him.

“Then each of you is going to get a Reading of your mother, and the other mothers and fathers among the Volunteers who love you like you were their own. They didn’t give their permission, but we Read them pretty deep, and we don’t think they’ll mind when they see what a difference it makes. Again, you’ll know what they’re truly like deep down inside, and the depths of their love and their pain.

“Then, just to keep things fair, and hopefully to inspire you to be a bit more like us as concerns your honor and your work ethic, we’re going to give you our Readings.

“You won’t get everything in any of these Readings; some things are private, and you’re not responsible enough to know the spell techniques, not even the few you’re capable of using, and you sure don’t have the capacity yet to absorb extra levels like all the information we’ve gotten from Readings of others. But you’ll know all our personalities, and why we do what we do.”

“We’re pretty sure that knowing all that,” Six continued, “And feeling it with the full emotional transfer that comes with good quality Readings, will allow you all to see the errors of your ways, your attitudes, and your thinking.”

“And you better hope it works, because if it doesn’t were going to improve your behavior directly by performing surgery on your brains.” Fire added a nasty little smile.

With that, the three began forcing the Readings into the brains of the forty-four. They took their time and made sure they didn’t overload anyone with the huge torrent of sense perceptions, thoughts, and emotions, but the forty-four were the finest young psionicists on Kellaran with the exception of their three siblings, who were in another league. The entire process only took a bit more than an hour.

When they were done the forty-four were still crying uncontrollably, only now it wasn’t from pain, it was from an overage of remorse and regret and love. Some of them desperately wanted to hug the three, who allowed them to do so and returned their embraces.

“Now that you’ve shared your parents’ minds, many of you will feel an urge to do the same for them; to show them how much you truly love them and how sorry you are for being such a bunch of little shits.” Fire told the crying children. “Take our advice; do yourselves a favor and resist the temptation for a year or two. Show them how you’ve changed with your behavior instead. Let yourselves get some decent living and loving and thinking under your belts before you show them what you’re really like. It’ll work out better for everyone if you do.”

“And by the way, you should know this; we love you. Welcome to the family, and to the outside world.”

In the next instant she removed the Reverse Stasis field, Translocated the tourists who had been in the council chamber back to their places in it, and Translocated all of her brothers and sisters and herself back to the exact places they’d been in when she’d Translocated them away.

They’d been gone far less than a second in real time, but their parents and the Volunteers knew for sure that something had happened, since the forty-four were still crying uncontrollably, and each of them rushed to whoever was the closest of their many parents and hugged them tight.

“We’re back!” Fire giggled. “Told you we’d be right back.”

“What’s wrong with them?!” Mark asked in confusion as he held the two crying children who had rushed into his arms.

“Remorse.” Val stated with satisfaction. “They’ve seen the truth, and it has changed them.”

“We’ll give you all some time together.” Six smiled. “But you should find their behavior much improved, and you shouldn’t need to be multiple people hardly at all anymore. They’ll still call on you when they really need you or they miss you and want to just spend some time with you, but they won’t call on you just to waste your time and to validate their own self-importance anymore, which was the majority of the times they called for you.

“Tomorrow, we think you should give us responsibility for their supervision, their training, and their behavior, at least for a while. Assign them to our military command. It should do them good, and you can trust us to keep them corralled. You and the Volunteers here could use a vacation from them for a while, for a few hours a day at least.”


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