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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 20

Part 4

After breakfast Mark’s grandparents arrived to meet their new great-grandchildren. They were soon greeted and seated, each with a baby in their arms.

“It will interest you to know,” Sana informed Mark with a smile, “That Balen and some of the other young elf-girls of The Devoted have taken it upon themselves to arrange a schedule for everyone that wants to visit the new babies, which is everyone in the settlement. Knowing that Talia wouldn’t want to be overwhelmed by so many visitors so soon after her birthing, they’ve arranged that everyone will drop by in small, well-spaced groups over the next week or so, with those with closer relationships to you coming first. We were actually scheduled to be before everyone but Yazadril and Nemia, but it looks like these youths have cheated by staying overnight!”

“Damn right!” Dren laughed. “I guess grandparents would come before cousins, but we were way too excited to go home last night.”

“Besides, they never told us about it, so I plead ignorance!” Mandri laughed.

“So when are you two planning on giving us some more great-grandchildren?” Sana teased.

“Well…” Mandri grinned and paused until she had everyone’s attention. “In about six and a half months actually, wouldn’t you say, Yzell?”

“About that.” the elven midwife smiled.

The room brightened with another round of joyous congratulations and hugs.

Twenty minutes later, Mark’s uncle Wittan and his aunt Koran arrived just as the babies woke up. Talia noticed before they were fully awake, and held her arms out for her babes to be returned to her.

“Good morning Mother.” they told her in unison as their eyes opened.

“Good morning my loves!” Talia laughed. “You are so very beautiful, and it’s delightful to speak with you, and I love you both very much!

“There are too many people here, Mother.” Reggie told her as he fussed and kicked a bit, a tiny frown on his adorable little face. “Their thoughts are confusing. They’re nice, but confusing.”

“And we love you too Mother.” Helemia added.

“Just a moment.” Talia said, and cast a very dense psionic Shield around the three of them with both her power and Mark’s. “There, is that better?”

“Yes, thank you.” Reggie told her, and giggled in spontaneous and joyous relief as the irritating excess of thought was blocked.

“I’ll let you hear them two at a time as you’re introduced, starting with these two lovely people;” Talia explained. “Reggie and Helemia, know your grandfather Yazadril and your grandmother Nemia, my father and mother. Father and Mother, know your grandson Reggie and your granddaughter Helemia.

“Mmm, some hugs are definitely in order!” Nemia beamed as she and Yazadril were gently handed the children. “We are pleased to meet you, and we love you very much.”

“You are very nice, Grandmother.” Helemia giggled. “Your thoughts are nice, and you smell good.”

Yazadril only hugged Reggie a moment, then he couldn’t help looking into the child’s smiling eyes, fascinated and amazed by the lively intelligence that looked back at him. “You are both absolutely astonishing! Such incredible minds!”

“You too grandfather, you have so many thoughts and memories!” Reggie exclaimed. “Many more than anyone else! Even more than Kragorram, and he is even older than you. How can that… Oh I understand! You have many memories from other people!”

“I sure do, Reggie.” Yazadril chuckled. “As a wizard specializing in information and precision, I have Read and Linked with many, many people in my life.”


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