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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 3

Part 1

Chapter 3

“Okay. What will the border look like, from inside and from outside? And what’ll happen to people and animals that try to cross it? And will those of you who are casting it be able to follow what’s happening inside it, or communicate into it?”

“The border will not be detectable to any mortal or animal.” Falgaroth answered. “The area of the time-bubble should have the same conditions on all sides surrounding it. It can be surrounded by forest or grassland or desert, so long as the terrain is similar on all sides. An island would be perfect. Those who look into the time-bubble from outside it will see what is on the opposite side. Those who try to cross the border will be undetectably transported to the opposite side.

Those who look over the border from inside will see a convincing illusion of what is outside, adjusted for time of day and season. Any who try to pass over the border from inside will meet an invisible and impenetrable barrier.

“Truly, it will be a complex working to maintain it for the two month period. We will have to affect the mind of any who are transported across it, to hide the geographical inconsistency, and there are many other compensations to be taken care of.

“And, while it is theoretically possible that we who are casting the time-bubble could indeed observe and communicate with those within, it is very doubtful that we will. Either task would require a considerable expenditure of concentration that is better used elsewhere.”

“So you’re saying we’d better be damned sure we’ve got everything we could possibly need, because we won’t be able to get any help or resupply for twenty-four years.” Mark said, partly pre-occupied as he considered the preparations they would have to make.

“That is correct.” Falgaroth confirmed.

“Sheramiv is adjusting our schedule and preparing for our absence.” Talia reported. “She’s not terribly happy about it, largely because she knows how many others are going to be unhappy about it, but we can’t please everyone all the time, I suppose.”

“No, but you can please me by inviting us to be part of your isolated little community.” Dalia giggled as she hugged Bezedil with one arm.

“Certainly sister. It would be hard to be apart from you for twenty-four years.” Talia told her with a smile, then looked to her parents. “I hope you can join us as well, though I understand if you cannot, due to your duties.”

“I don’t see why not.” Yazadril stated as he rubbed his chin and considered the question. “The conspiracy is dealt with, we won’t be dealing with the demons for at least a year, and things have stabilized nicely in Serminak, largely due to the efforts of Povon and Kragorram. And as I’ve said before, The High People require very little governing.”


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