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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 34

Part 7

She gave him a quick kiss, gave another to Alilia, and climbed off the bed. “Come on kids, let’s go make lunch.”

“Thank you.” Alilia told her with deep gratitude and affection.

“You’re welcome.” Talia smiled as she backed out the door and closed it behind her.

“No disturbing them for at least an hour.” she told all the guests with a firm smile. “Wife’s orders!

“Meanwhile, I’ll share my Reading of the last few minutes, so you can see Valentia second hand, at least.”

About forty minutes later they heard exclamations and laughter from the bedroom. Fifteen minutes after that, Mark came out and closed the door behind him.

“Wow.” he grinned as he accepted a huge plate of lunch from Talia. “Valentia may not have the psionics that the twins have, but she’s sure a handful when it comes to magic! I took her in the girls’ closet to check her glow, and she’s a bit brighter than either of the twins in both wizard’s and warlock’s power. And her use of both kinds of magic is as intuitive as Alilia’s use of wizardry! A few minutes ago she got uncomfortable and tried to sit up, found that she couldn’t, and took off out of the bed with self-Movement! She was tumbling every which way and got scared for a second before I could catch her, and she almost hit the ceiling. So then we had to teach her how to fly properly with Levitation to hold the weight, and she got it down in about seven minutes! I mean, she can’t even think in words yet, and her sense of magic is fully ready to go! You show her something, and she gets it almost right away! I think she only had trouble with lifting herself steadily at first because she was using both kinds of power without thinking about it, and it wasn’t… working out even, I guess you’d say. But then she got it balanced, and about three minutes after that she wasn’t even thinking about it anymore.

“It’s weird. I checked what she was doing, to see whether her spell style is more like wizardry or magecraft, and it’s like neither. She just wants to do it and it happens. It’s like her will acts on her power directly. The closest thing to it I’ve ever seen is the way dragons use Levitation and Movement to assist their wings in flight without even realizing they’re doing it most of the time. They just decide to fly the way we decide to walk, and they do. Same with Valentia. Alilia probably did the same thing at that age, and I guess she still does, sort of, but she also knows all the formal spells for what she does since she has an incredible magical education, and that affects how she casts a lot.

“Anyway, Alilia’s Shielding Valentia’s power and running her through all the basic safety lessons right now. She just shows a dangerous spell, and then casts a convincing Illusion of the consequences of it going wrong, then shows how to do it right. Valentia gets it right away.

“Alilia says they’ll come out for lunch in an hour or so, once she’s gone through the most important stuff.”

“She’s gonna be fun to play with!” Helemia declared. “We love her a lot already! Wow, if she’d have been with us when those Sylvan tried to get us, they’d sure have got a big surprise!”

“I think they got enough big surprises as it was.” Talia chuckled.

“Yup! We got a pretty good feel for ‘em that day, and none of ‘em have ever come back to this island since then, or even flown over it!”

“They don’t fish in the channels within thirty kilometers from here either!” Reggie laughed. “Anyway, I’m done my soup, can I have some pie?”

An hour later Alilia opened the bedroom door wide, and Valentia slowly floated out about a meter and a half above the floor, giggling all the way. Alilia slowly walked just behind her, grinning proudly and watching carefully. Valentia floated close to Mark and laughed at his expression as she stopped in mid-air and started rocking back and forth and side to side.

“She’s not having trouble holding still, she just thinks it’s fun.” Helemia informed everyone.

“If you hold your arms out to her like this, she’ll come over for a hug.” Mark said, and caught her as she floated over. “She likes hugs, don’t you Valentia? Yes you do!”

A third of a minute later he felt her pulling away and let her go. Dalia held her arms out for a hug with a big grin, and Valentia floated over to her.


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