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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 71

Part 12

“Wow, over twelve thousand of them at once!” Karzog marveled as he appeared in the air beside them and surveyed their new catch. “And almost a quarter of them are adults!”

“Yes, and almost all of them attacked us.” Helemia growled as she flew down and landed on the ground amongst the new captives. “They almost killed Stripe and Scout. And this one was directing them!”

She gave the unconscious adult male Sylvan a vicious kick in the head, then felt remorse for it and Healed him.

“I’ve got to admit, when you two set out to find some people, you do a job of it!” Mark laughed from Yazadril’s house, where he and his wives happened to be at the time. “How did you find the ones that weren’t attacking you?”

“They were following the attack psionicly, just so they could watch.” Reggie reported as he and Karzog joined Helemia on the sand and began inspecting their captives, temporarily confiscating a few magic items and the more dangerous enhanced weapons. “That was all it took for us to find them. Our psionics really work better when we’re mad at someone. Most of the adults and their dependant children weren’t casting or watching though, so they’re still out there.”

“Most people’s best abilities improve when focused by controlled anger.” Alilia commented. “And by the way, well done! We’re very proud of you, and we do love you so very much!”

“Thanks, we love you all too, and thanks for the power.” Reggie sent.

“Karz, we’re beat.” Helemia said as her anger faded and her fatigue and lack of sleep registered. “I know I’m not scheduled for sleep until Val comes back, and Six after me, but we’re really leftovers. We’ll leave these asleep until we get back. They should be fine. Will you be okay on your own until we get back with Val later?”

“Sure, go ahead.” Karzog nodded and gave them a dismissive wave. “With this capture, we’re way ahead of schedule anyway, and the ones we got yesterday sure aren’t going to give me any trouble. You drained them pretty good just now. The work’s ahead of schedule too, by the way.”

“Good to hear.” Helemia told him as she gave his ankle a quick hug.

“We’ll see you in about six hours then.” Reggie said.

“Sure, take your time.” Karzog replied, and vanished as he went back to supervising the construction.

Reggie and Helemia Translocated their armor, weapons, and outer clothing to the floor of their bedroom and themselves into bed with Valentia, all in one step. They were asleep in less than a minute.


The three of them woke six hours later, and the twins let Valentia know what had happened that morning while they washed up and dressed. They found their parents in the kitchen, and a hot meal was on the table already.

“Good afternoon, loves. Hungry?” Talia asked with a warm smile.

“Starved.” Helemia smiled as they sat down. “And good afternoon to you too Mother, though it feels like morning.”


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