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The Gift chronicles novel Chapter 1

Book 1 Chapter 41


The next week went by normally. Thane and his entourage left a few days after I decapitated whatshername, after working out some of the battle strategies. He planned on declaring war in a month. I hadn't talked about it with Cain, but I assumed he would let me fight since I was far more skilled than most of his men.

Cain and I had been getting along relatively well all week, despite the usual quarrels that usually started with him telling me no, me throwing knives at him because he told me no, him pinning me down because I threw knives at him, and then us making out. We had almost mated more times than I could count, and I could tell his wolf was extremely on edge, needing the release. My wolf wasn't much better, often wanting me to jump him anytime he walked into the room. The only thing stopping us was me saying no anytime he wanted to take it further. To his credit, he didn't push it once I said no.

I didn't plan on saying no anymore after the ceremony.

Cain shook me awake, making me groan. Go away, I whined, putting the pillow over my head.

"I have stuff I have to do today in preparation for the ceremony, pup. I want to give you something before I leave," Cain's voice was happy.

I groaned again, but resurfaced from underneath the pillow. This better be good, I warned him.

Cain produced a large gift bag from behind him. I raised my eyebrows. What's this for?

"It's traditional for the Blood Alpha to give his mate a present the day of the ceremony," Cain ruffled my messy hair. I playfully bit at his hand, making him tweak my nose.

I took the bag and ripped out the tissue paper that lined the top. When I peered in the bag, I was surprised to see fur.

Another pelt? I asked, confused. Although I appreciated the one he already gave me, I didn't see a reason for another.

Cain rolled his eyes. "Will you please just open it all the way, mate?" His hand stroked my half—ear gently. For some reason, he loved to run his finger over the jagged cartilage.

I pulled the thin black fur out of the bag and unfolded it to take a better look. Upon further inspection, I noticed that the fur was in the format of a cloak. It even had a hood, and a small clip where it would fall around my chest so I could connect the two sides.

You made me a fur cloak? I asked, surprised.

Cain looked into my eyes lovingly. "You always wear your old cloak, which is far too thin for how cold my territory gets. I know that the pelt makes you warm, but I also know you prefer the freedom the cloak allows you. I thought you would like a more versatile version of the pelt."

My heart swelled. I knew that his gift was not only symbolic of his promise to take care of me, but also of his promise to allow me more freedom and personal liberties.

He froze as I threw my arms around him in a hug. Typically, I only wrapped my arms around him to choke him out.

He returned the hug, nuzzling his face into my neck. "Can I assume you like it then, little mate?"

I love it. Thank you, Cain. I kissed his cheek and he stiffened.

"You said my name. Not Alpha," Cain choked out. I hesitated, realizing that I had been calling him Cain in my head for the past few weeks as I slowly warmed up to him.

We continued to hold each other in silence until Cain pulled away. "As much as I wish I could spend all day holding you, I need to go finish working out some of the details for tonight."

Can I walk around your territory for awhile? I'll bring Carter with me. I bargained, knowing he would say yes. I had taken quite a few walks with Carter accompanying me the last few days.

"Yes, pup, but please be careful. War is on the horizon," Cain warned.

Aren't your borders secured? I asked.

"Yes, but we still haven't found whoever tried poisoning you, and who knows how they snuck on to our territory. I will let the patrol guards and Jax know that you'll be wandering so they can keep an eye out for you," I nodded as Cain spoke. I began to understand that most of his controlling behavior stemmed from him being worried that someone would kill me. As I began to show my capability, he started trusting me more on my own, only leaving me with one guard, typically Carter.

"I'll see you at the ceremony, pup. Please behave," He placed a chaste kiss on my lips before leaving.

I sighed, debating on going back to sleep, until ultimately deciding to just get my lazy ass out of bed. I got dressed in black leggings, a black long sleeve shirt, and black boots, since Carter and I were going to go walk through the snowy woods. I had come to love the winter that enveloped Blood Lake.

Finally, I threw on my new cloak, fastening it under my chin so it wouldn't fall off.

I headed downstairs, where Carter was already waiting. Where's Gwen? I asked him. Typically she spent her mornings with us, meaning that we both spent our morning antagonizing Carter and thinking of new ways to give him a heart attack.

"She's helping set up stuff for the ceremony tonight. She begged to be the one allowed to dress you and do your makeup," Carter informed me.

Oh, no. I was genuinely fearful of whatever she was planning. She had been begging me to let her give me a makeover for weeks, which I strongly declined every time, much to her dismay. I love her, but her tastes are far too girly for me.

"She'd kill you if she saw that sour look you just gave," Carter laughed, and I joined in, knowing he was right. Our trio had gotten extremely close, and I felt the security of a family.

How's life as a father treating you? I asked Carter as we stepped into the cold. I pulled the cloak tighter around me, thankful for the warmth. Carter had also bulked up and let his facial hair grow out, so I doubt he felt the cold as harshly as I did.

"I hardly sleep, I have to change diapers every day, and I constantly listen to cries," He began, making me snort. "And yet, it's the happiest I've ever been."

Sounds awful, I honestly replied. Why anyone would want to deal with that is beyond me.

"You couldn't be more wrong, Luna. Lily and Rose are my entire reason for living. Every day I spend with them is the best day of my life," He said wistfully.

Book 1 Chapter 41 1


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