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The Gift chronicles novel Chapter 1

Book 1 Chapter 45


I woke up in a drugged haze. I could feel heavy amounts of wolfsbane in my system, more than I had ever prepared for, and more than what I was immune to. Even beyond the wolfsbane, I could feel another kind of drug coursing through my blood, making me feel sleepy.

Nevertheless, I pried my heavy eyes open, even though sleep was begging to overtake me. I was chained to a wall in a damp cellar. The scene was strikingly familiar to when I had my tongue ripped out by the rogue over 4 years ago.

Come on out, you pussies, I thought to myself, wondering why whoever captured me from the Pack House didn't show themselves. Perhaps they didn't think I would wake up so soon.

I tugged on my restraints, but it was useless. Whoever chained me up took as many precautions as possible. The combination of the chains and wolfsbane made it impossible for me to escape or even conjure weapons.

I growled as I continued yanking on the chains fruitlessly. The wolfsbane was blocking my mate bond with Cain, and I was unable to call him for help.

Suddenly, the cellar door creaked open loudly, and I snapped my head up to look at who was entering.

You, I mindlinked him when I saw him. Even though Cain was too far away for me to contact in my weakened state, I was able to mindlink the man so close in proximity to me.

Jax, Beta of Blood Lake, looked at me emotionlessly.

I laughed.

Cain is going to fucking kill you, I told him, unable to control my wild laughter.

"Cain doesn't know where either of us are," Jax responded, with zero inflection in his voice. I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

You think the Blood Alpha will ever stop trying to find his mate? I snidely asked him. You will be lucky to die at his hands, because I can assure you, if I get to kill you, I will make it excruciating.

Jax flinched slightly, but otherwise showed no signs of fear. "I am being protected. The Blood Alpha won't touch me."

Protected by who? I asked him, my curiosity piqued.

"I'm under his orders not to tell you his identity until he can be here to tell you himself," Jax responded.

Was Gwen in on this too? I snarled at him, sounding feral.

His eyes widened slightly in surprise, but also softened at the mention of his mate. "No. Much to my dismay, she has been quite enamored with you since your arrival."

You killed Carter, I accused him.

Jax's expression was overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow. "I didn't kill him. It was the rogues."

You were involved. Whoever is ordering you around like a little bitch sent the rogues too, making you responsible for his death, my tone was disgusted.

"I didn't know they would kill him," Jax whispered, not making eye contact with me. "They were only supposed to take you. Only you were supposed to get hurt. Not Carter. He was like a brother to me."

I will torture and punish you so violently and painfully you will beg me to end your life, I promised him. It's the vengeance Carter deserved.

"Don't you get it, Ares? You will never leave here alive. Cain thinks you and I are dead. He's not looking for us," Jax growled at me, not appreciating my threats.

I rolled my eyes. He does not think I'm dead, you moron.

"Oh no? Did you wonder why you can't feel the mate bond you have with him?" Jax asked wickedly.

I frowned. The wolfsbane is just temporarily blocking it, I informed him.

"Oh, no, Luna," Jax said the title mockingly. "Do you know what my Gift is?"

I didn't. It was considered rude to ask people what their Gifts are, and I had never spent much time with Jax before.

Jax continued talking when I didn't respond. "I have the power to break bonds."

I gasped. You didn't.

The evil grin on his face told me that he did in fact break the mate bond between Cain and I.

Why, I choked out, feeling the emptiness in my heart without Cain's presence. Knowing that it wasn't temporary made the pain and isolation more intense.

"Do you remember the last person who challenged you for Gamma?" Jax questioned me, confusing me.

Book 1 Chapter 45 1

Book 1 Chapter 45 2

Book 1 Chapter 45 3


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