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The Gift chronicles novel Chapter 2

Book 2 Chapter 13


To my surprise, the Blood Luna didn't even look at me. Her and Axel made eye contact and he nodded at her.

"Onyx, you need to get down on the ground. Keep your head low. We're under a chemical attack," Axel commanded, and I quickly dropped to the floor, despite the fact that I couldn't see anything, despite the air looking slightly more cloudy.

Suddenly, I felt burning in my nostrils, and tried to inhale as little as possible.

Out of nowhere, seven men wearing gas masks began to form a circle around Axel, Ares, and I.

The Blood Luna didn't hesitate to throw the knife in her hand at one of them, and then quickly summoned another one which went into another masked man.

To my disbelief, Axel's whole arm turned into metal. He punched the crap out of one of the men, and I heard the guy's neck snap sickeningly.

As for me, I felt completely handicapped by whatever chemical they sprayed into the air. I was now coughing, and could barely move except to whither in pain. It felt like I was being burnt alive.

Axel didn't look like he was doing too well either. After he took down the man, he began to cough and I could see his face scabbing. He began to fight another man, and sent one punch to his face so hard his skull completely shattered.

Ares however, looked to be resisting the chemical better, presumably because she is an Alpha. She stabbed yet another masked man, and made it look easy.

Unfortunately, five more men took the places of the ones that had fallen. Axel swayed slightly before falling to his knees. Blood poured out of his nose.

I felt a wetness under my eyes, and to my surprise, it was blood that was seeping out of my eye sockets. Well. I guess this is how it ends.

The chemical was making my thoughts extremely hazy, as I could only focus on the pain. I watched Ares kill man after man, and at one point I thought I watched her rip the heart out of a man in a hazmat suit with a backpack on. It was hard to tell what was real or not, especially since I could feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness.

Ares was covered in blood. When she began to walk towards me, I wanted to scream in fear but found myself unable to. Instead of killing me, she picked me up and ran a few yards.

Immediately, I found myself able to breathe in again without pain. Ares dropped me on the ground and ran back into the foggy air, where she helped Axel off of his feet and supported his weight as they walked.

When they got back to where I was standing, I could see Axel breathe in deeply with relief. His scabbing has already begun to heal.

The Luna bent down to where I was on the ground, and grabbed my face. She tilted it, inspecting me for injuries, I suppose.

She then grabbed my hands, where there were blisters from whatever chemical was used. She grunted, but didn't look too concerned so I figured I shouldn't be either.

To my horror, I saw blood dripping out of her nose. "Ares," I coughed, my chest still hurting. "Your nose."

She looked at me in confusion, but put her hand up to her nose and looked at the blood. She just shrugged, seeming uninterested and unbothered.

Axel appeared to be doing fine too. "We have to go back and tell Cain and Thane."

Ares whipped her head back to look at Axel, and glared at him. Their eyes went glossy, and it looked like they were arguing over mindlink.

"Let's go then," Axel said, motioning towards me. When I tried to stand up, my legs felt like Jell—o, and I just crumpled to the ground. "Here, I got you."

Axel picked me up and cradled me. Ares took the lead, taking us back to the pack house, and I subconsciously noted that it was interesting that she remembered her way back.

When we reached the pack house, Thane, the Blood Alpha, and the other Blood Lake wolves stood up off of their various seats in the living room.

"What the fuck happened?" Alpha Cain growled and stalked towards us. He grabbed Ares roughly by the shoulders and examined her. He then ripped off her fur cloak and made sure that there were no other injuries.

Thane was in front of me in no time, and Axel handed me over to him. He was not nearly as rough as Alpha Cain when he examined me for injuries. He frowned when he saw my blistered hands and wiped the dried blood from under my eyes.

Book 2 Chapter 12-1 1

Book 2 Chapter 12-1 2


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