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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 103

Sophie’s pov

“Oh my God!” I let out as I crouched beside him, my heart beating quickly as sleep finally left my eyes and I realized that I had perhaps squished Aiden’s dick.

My hand goes on his dick. “Is it okay? Does it hurt? Of course it hurts!” I scowled at myself, slapping my forehead.

“Fuck,” Aiden groans, his face a bit red.

Feeling guilty, I massaged his dick and noted that he now wore sweats. When did he change? Where did he get the clothes to change into?

I don’t voice out my confusion though, I leave it for later and focus on helping him.

His eyes narrowed on my face. “Did you really try to

dismember me, Sophie? Fuck. If you didn’t want more kids all you had to do was say so.”

“If you hadn’t been beside the bed, specifically on the floor this would not have happened. You have yourself to blame for this.” I chewed out, glaring down at his wincing face.

“I had to get away from your roommates before they buried me alive with their glares. So I decided I’d come here to have a nap too,” He winced. “If only I knew you’d have it out for my dick.”

I let out an irritated groan. “You could’ve slept a bit further away from the bed Aiden. In fact, there was space on the bed

beside Ashton.”

Aiden groans, mumbling a few curses before responding. “I think you’d still step on my dick no matter how far I was from the bed.”

“Do you think I intentionally stepped on your crotch?”

I can’t believe he’d accuse me like that. Sure he was annoying as hell and gave me some hell in my life too, but still, I wouldn’t want to dismember him. Especially when I loved that specific member that gave me my most precious gift.

“Yes I think you stepped on my cock intentionally. And rubbing my cock doesn’t help with the pain by the way,” He grunted.

I moved my hands quickly off his crotch and looked at him sheepishly. “Sorry I thought it would help.”

I rose to my feet and looked over at Ashton. He’s still asleep.

“Wait here I’ll be back with some ice,” I told Aiden, and walked over him. I didn’t fail to notice how he held his crotch tighter when my feet swang over him.

I stepped out of the room, cringing slightly at the situation. I can’t believe I stepped on his dick.

I shivered. That must have hurt a ton. Especially with how hard I stepped on the poor thing. I really hope it will be able to work again.

When I entered the living room area, Mila is seated on the couch and Ria is on the rug. Both looked over at me when I approached.

“Please tell me you killed him in there,” Mila snorted.

Ria gasped, smacking her knee. “Mila don’t wish for things. like that.”

Mila snorted. “Serves him right for forcing her into a fake engagement to save himself from marrying someone.”

I winced.. Aiden must have told her, but she had it all wrong.

But explaining to her properly will have to wait, I needed to save Aiden’s dick first.

I walked quickly to the kitchen while responding. “Actually I stepped on his dick by accident.”

“You did what!?” Both Mila and Ria shout in unison.

I opened the fridge and scanned for the ice.

Mila suddenly started cackling and Ria soon joined in.

“Guys this isn’t funny, he’s in pain,” I whined and took the frozen pack of peas out of the freezer. This will have to do.


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