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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 108

Sophie’s pov

“What?” I asked with a perplexed expression on my face.

Did I hear him wrong?

Aiden sighs, looking a bit unsettled as he looked at me. “I’m sorry mama bear but someone leaked a photo of Ash on Instagram and it’s circulating around. I’ll have them take it down as soon as possible but Sergio knows about him and wants to meet him today.”

My heart dropped in the pit of my stomach.

How did they get a photo of Ashton?

I feel the blood drain from my face as I quickly throw the covers off my body and rolled off the bed.

I began to pace the floor, my hands in my hair.

My poor baby was now vulnerable to the world. The mean side of social media.

I can only imagine what they’re saying about him.

About me…

Wait, do they even know I’m his mother?

I stopped pacing and looked at Aiden with the tip of my thumb in my mouth as I bit the nail.

“Do they know I’m his mother? How did they get the photo

I was not ready for these strangers to know about Ashton as yet, far less know that I was a teen mother.

The nasty words they would spur out…I can only imagine.

Ashton stirs and wakes up. I walk over to Aiden and lift Ash off Aiden’s chest to hold him in my arms.

Aiden sits up, running a hand through his hair and utters. “Sergio mentioned that he could recognize you from the angle. He’s a smart man and has put two and two together. The media isn’t dumb Sophie, they’ll also figure it out.”

I covered Ashton’s ears while making him rest his head on my chest. “Fuck!” I blasts.

Aiden’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Now baby, we need to be calm about this,” He whispered, rolling off the bed and landing on his feet.

I was so angry that I didn’t even realize he called me baby.

He walks over to us.

“How can I be calm Aiden? These beasts are circulating our son’s photo everywhere and God knows what they’re saying about him and me.” My eyes misted as I kissed the top of Ashton’s head.


He was way too young to be going through this.

We were supposed to show him on our terms. Protect him better from the harshness of social media.

When Aiden reaches me, his hands cup my face, stopping the shaking of my head. “Hey, hey, calm down Soph. I’ll get them to take it down. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.” He reassured, staring into my eyes deeply.

I admit, him staring into my eyes the way he did, relaxed me a


“But they’ve already seen him and already set their judgments on him,” I whispered in defeat. “When he grows up, just imagine what he’ll read about himself.”

Aiden’s eyes suddenly stormed with anger. But it is not directed at me. “Listen to me Soph. Whatever they say doesn’t matter. Their words hold no value. Nothing. Ashton is my life as he is yours. And that’s all he needs to know growing up. He won’t care what the world says about him, because he’ll know he’s already perfect in his own way.”

With foggy eyes, I nod slowly in defeat.

“Now we need to get to my apartment before Sergio gets there. He’s probably on his way.” Aiden sighs looking at me like he wished things had turned out differently. I wished too.

I looked down at Ash and then I sighed. I was doing this for him. Everything I do now is for him.


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