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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 110

Sophie’s pov

I can’t believe my towel saw fit to embarrass me in front of Aiden and my son. And sure my son hadn’t seen it because he was preoccupied with the small orange ball.

But Aiden had seen everything, every inch of my wet exposed skin. He also saw my tight nipples because I couldn’t stop thinking about how much I wanted to ride him when I saw the pure happiness on his face when he recited what Ashton called him.

There was nothing more attractive than seeing him happy because Ashton called him ‘dada’.

But then my towel had to spoil it by unraveling and embarrassing me.

I quickly scramble around, trying to wrap it back around my naked wet flesh.

Aiden’s eyes are still on my breasts even though they’re now covered. A buzzer goes off and suddenly he stiffens.

His jaw clenched.

“Sergio must be here already,” Aiden said stiffly, removing his eyes off my breasts and me entirely.

My eyes widen and panic starts to kick in. I’m sure to keep it inwardly and not have Aiden realize that I was nearing a panic attack.

The buzzer goes off again Aiden rolls his eyes. “That man can never be patient.”

He looks over at me, sweeping his gaze over my form and then mumbled. “I’ll meet him by the door, you get ready.”

I blushed furiously under the weight of his gaze and nod.

He leaves with Ashton in his arms and I quickly went over to lock the door so I could get ready without having the fear of anyone barging in unannounced.

I let my wet hair down and dressed in that pretty red floral dress I brought. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror and left to greet Sergio.

My hands are wringing together nervously as I hear their voices.

Sergio is talking in that animated tone to Ashton and Aiden is answering all the questions that are thrown at him.

“So where is your lovely fiance?” Sergio questioned as I neared.

I grew even more nervous hearing the fake curiosity in his voice. He didn’t care to know about my whereabouts.


“Good morning,” I said coming from the shadows of the hallway and entering the living room area where Sergio and Aiden stood. Aiden still held Ash in his arms and Sergio was a

couple of inches away from the two.

He ignored my greeting and pretended to be interested in

Ashton. He reached out for him, clutching his small hand.

“You look just like your father,” Sergio said in an animated


Aiden’s jaw tightened.

“Sophie greeted you Sergio.” He bit out, looking at Sergio so coldly that I’m stunned he was not frozen on the spot.

I approached them cautiously, hoping they won’t argue in front of Ashton.

Sergio’s eyes tore from Ashton’s face and he looks over at me, eyes with deep resentment.

“The bride to be and apparently soon to be mother of two. How are you dear?” His eyes drop to my stomach as he stretched on the word dear.

I can literally taste the resentment in the word too.


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