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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 121

Sophie pov

“What?” I asked shyly, as I looked at him beneath my lashes while forking through some scrambled eggs.

Aiden’s staring at me with an awe look for five minutes straight already. Even Ash has been trying to get his attention but to no avail.

Aiden’s eyes were practically glued on me.

“You’re so damn beautiful Sophie. How did I get this lucky?” He asked in a bit of a whisper, his head tilting.

“Why did I wait this long?” He murmured shaking his head as if a bit flabbergasted that he waited this long to tell me how he felt.

I tucked some hair behind my ears and looked at him a bit flustered. Okay a lot flustered. My cheeks were so hot I could fry an egg on them.

I was exaggerating but don’t we all once in a while?

I’m about to answer him, probably make a fool out of myself when his phone rang.

I rose to my feet and walked over to him and Ash and pried Ash from his hands so Aiden would be able to take the phone with no problem.

I kiss Ashton’s head and returned to my seat. Aiden answers the phone and talks roughly to whomever was on the

receiving end.

I wince inwardly.

With how he treated me and Ash, especially me yesterday ar last night all to now, made me forget that he was supposedly the blue eyed devil everyone feared.

I stared at him and tilted my head slightly as I pondered on my thoughts.

I wonder what made him turn out to be this way?

Yes he was always ruled by his emotions and was always one to get frustrated quickly but he was never this bad before.

He almost seemed frustrated to be the Ceo.

I could not help but notice this the few days I got to work wit him.

Speaking about work…

Aiden ends the call and let out a frustrated breath, seeming t be peeved about something.

“About work?” I asked softly, wishing I could relieve some of that tension I could somehow sense weighing down on his shoulders.

Aiden’s blue eyes lift to mine, I’m surprised they’re still warm yet, there’s a hint of irritation. But I know that emotion was not for me, so I didn’t feel upset about it.

“Yes. I can’t catch a break.” He grumbles, pushing the phone back in his pocket and outstretched his hands, silently telling

me to give Ashton back to him.

I have noticed something about Aiden recently, especially when it concerns Ashton, he never seems to want to part ways. He always wants Ash close to him.

That was something I can’t help but fond over. It was adorable and such a trait anyone would want a dad to have.

“What time do you leave for work? I’ll try to pack up Ash and I’s clothes quickly and you can drop us off at the apartment on your way.” I said as I got up and gave Ash to him.

Ashton hugs his dad as if finally happy to be back in his arms. My eyes narrowed.

What a little traitor. I’m already replaced.

“No. I’m not going to the office today and you’re not either. We will spend the day together again.” Aiden said and had my ears perking up and my mouth gaping.

“But don’t you need to be at Harrington.co today for that important meeting with the Xio’s?” I asked in worry.

Missing such a meeting didn’t sound like a good idea.

Aiden’s brow lifted and his eyes twinkled with amusement. “Look who’s been doing her homework. I’m impressed mama bear.” He joked, winking at the end of his teasing words.

I rolled my eyes, huffed and walked back to my seat. “Well my arrogant annoying boss made sure to tell me to study every single thing on that paper and memorize it.”


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