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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Sophie’s pov

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to fix the frays that were reluctant to go back in place.

Aiden snorts beside me as he reaches for the buzzer. “Your hair looks perfect baby, no need to fix it ten times.”

I shot him a glare. If it wasn’t for him, my hair would still be perfectly curled.

But no, his horny self had to appear right before we had to head out to Sergio’s.

“This is your fault by the way.” I retorted, huffing as I con- tinue to fix my hair.

Aiden raised a thick brow, his twinkling eyes shooting me with amusement. “It’s actually yours. You know better than to look so hot in my presence,” His eyes rolled eyes over my body and he cleared his throat, lifting his hand to fix his tie.

Though you turn me on no matter what you wear. But you know I prefer when you wear nothing at all.” He winks, making me flustered within seconds.

I scowled. “Aiden. Would you act appropriately now? We’re at Sergio’s.”

Aiden rolled his eyes, and threw an arm over my shoul- der. “Don’t remind me.”

He then dips his head quickly, catching me off guard when his lips landed on mine. He kisses me softly, murmuring


on my lips how beautiful I am.

The huge door parts, making us both pull away from each other reluctantly.

My eyes sweep to the door, the knots that were in my bel- ly before, now slammed right back in, making me nauseous

and nervous.

His grin is wide, but his eyes told different. They were cold, freezing and hateful.

“You two are late.” Sergio said, opening his huge door

wider to let us in.

Aiden stiffened and guided us in. “Traffic.” He answered Sergio curtly.

We both knew that it wasn’t the traffic that made us late

but what we had done before leaving the penthouse.

Sergio turns around, his face tightening as if knowing Aiden had slipped in a lie.

But instead of voicing out his displeasure he swept his eyes over us and noted. “Ashton is not with you.”

I looked at Aiden when he answered Sergio roughly. “I do not want my son entering an unwelcoming house.”

Sergio’s gaze darkened.” Now Aiden, this is no way to talk to your host.”

I shrugged Aiden’s arm off my shoulder as I took a step forward. “Mr. Harrington, I brought you something.” I said, trying to ease the tension before the two got into an argu-


I pushed out my hand that held the bottle of wine, hoping that this little gift would distract him from being so vile.

Sergio’s cold eyes left Aiden’s and they drop to the bottle in my hand. He looks reluctant to take it, but still does.

He read the label and sneered lowly. “Cheap wine. I don’t drink cheap wine. Margo!”

I flinched, not from his loud tone but from his words. What a cruel man.

Anyone would appreciate anything someone gave to them, but I should not be surprised by Sergio’s actions.


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