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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 163

Sophie’s pov

Aiden stared at me for a few seconds, each second my heart skipped a beat, waiting for his anger.

But then he laughed instead. A short dry chuckle that made my bones chill.

“Who’s going to ‘talk’ to Christopher?” By the tone of his voice, I knew he was holding back his anger.

I would rather he not, because sensing it was by far worst than living it.

This made me reluctant to respond to him. But I did.

“Me. I will be the on-

I had not even finished my sentence when Aiden pulls away from me, his head shaking in disbelief as he made his distate known.

“Over my dead body Sophie. You’re not going over to talk to that fucker. I’ll call my lawyer and-

“Aiden!” I hissed in frustration as I watch him pace the floor like a mad man.

He stops and stares at me.

“What if they refuse to budge Aiden? Not even you are above the law, they have evidence of you hitting Christopher.”

His jaw pop, his teeth grit and if it were possible I was sure steam or fire would be waving out of his nose and ears.

Gosh he was angry, no furious. The other two men looked at him warily which just proves how much power and domination that rubbed off Aiden.

He storms back over to the bars and gripped them in a tight hold lock. His fingers turned white, his veins on his neck pulsing, his eyes ablaze with fury.

I was making him more angry or perhaps it was the situation. Both. It was both.

“Fuck the law and fuck the evidence. You’re not going to go see that bastard you hear me?” He spat, eyes sending daggers at me.

Despite how unsettling scared I was by his anger, I knew he would never hurt me, which is why I lift my chin and stared him head on.

“I’m a grown woman Aiden. You can’t tell me what to do.”

His stormy gaze rolled down my body, slowly, lingering on my breast and my thighs. He pushes his head closer to the bars, lowering his voice. “Don’t you think I know you’re all woman Sophie?”

His eyes snap back up, the fury returning in his gaze.

“But that doesn’t mean you jump straight into the fucking fire and danger. You’re not going and that’s the end of it!” He barked.

Crossing my arms under my chest and glaring at him I let out an annoyed breath through my nose.

He was not letting up. He wouldn’t.

“We’ll see.” I said and turned around.

His stare is like angry fire on my back, nipping at my heels with every step I took.

“Sophie. You better not go there.” He growled, his tone swirling with fury.

“Or what?” I said over my shoulder without turning around to look at him.

“Don’t get me mad Sophie.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re already mad Aiden. I’ll get you out I promise.” Those were my last parting words as I stepped out.

“Sophie!” His frustrated yell died out when I closed the door.

The further I walked from him, the more I felt absolutely unsure of my decision. But then a flash of Sergio’s smirk in my head and I was again hell bent on going to Christopher.

But first, I would have to go to Sergio. I had no clue as to where Christopher lived or where I can expect to meet up with him. Sergio would know, after all Christopher was one of his little devil. workers.

I sighed when I stepped out of the station, my mind hazy in how I would go about this and actually make Christopher agree to take back his statement.

I’ll figure it out on the way.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Mitch. He answered on the third ring.


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