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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 169

Sophie’s pov

My heart lurches in my throat, not because I was scared for Aiden, but because I was scared for Christopher.

“Aiden, you can’t.” I whispered while shaking my head.

He tore his eyes away from mine and growled at Mitch. “Bring me to him Mitch.”

Mitch nodded, his eyes wide with alert.

I grasp Aiden’s fisted hands, and swallowed harshly. “You can’t please. I don’t want them to lock you up again.”

“It’s a bit too late for that Sophie. He touched you. He forced himself on you. That bastard needs to be taught a lesson before he’s put into jail.” Aiden muttered under his breath which was way scarier than him blasting off.

I gripped his hands harder. “Aiden, please think this through.”

I was now thinking that perhaps telling Aiden was not the best choice. Now he may actually have blood on his hands, and I would be the cause of it, yet again.

I feel my tummy twist and churn by the very thought.

“Mitch.” Aiden gritted, glaring at the seat. “Step on it.”

My heart drops. It seems that no matter what I say now, Aiden would not change his mind.

We were nearing where I met up with Christopher and I gripped Aiden’s hand tightly. “Aiden.”

Mitch stopped beside the curb and looked at Aiden through the rearview mirror. “We’re here.”

Aiden nods, peeling himself away from me.

He gets out, looking at me. “It’s either you bring me to him or I find him myself.”

I shook my head. “I’m not going to risk losing you.”

The coldness in his eyes dimmed and he looked at me tenderly. “Soph. I’ll do anything for you, you know that. But what I can’t do is sit here and let someone mistreat you like that. I swore to protect you, and that I will do.”

My heart jumps.

My eyes move off his. “I know Aiden. But that doesn’t mean you have to risk your life for me. So no I refuse to bring you to that asshole.”

I prayed my defiance would make him see my point of view but I suppose it didn’t.

“That’s a risk I’ll always take Sophie. I’ll be back soon.”

Aiden leaves me open mouthed as I peer at his storming form. He enters the building, leaving me stunned in the car.

This will not end well.

I looked over at Mitch, glaring at him slightly. “Could you not have taken a wrong route? Or perhaps drive slow until I could figure out a way to change his mind?”

I knew he wasn’t at fault and he was only doing his job but I was frustrated and he was the only one nearby to pass it all on.

Which is really awful of me to think about it.

Mitch winced. “Sorry. Aiden’s my boss and I can’t exactly disobey him.”

I breathed out a sigh, pushing myself closer to the door. “I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be back.”

I stepped out of the car, my short legs surprisingly racing towards the building I came out of an hour ago. –

I found Aiden by the receptionist, slamming his palm on the countertop. The woman flinched, eyes wide with terror.

Never had I seen Aiden this furious before.

It was quite terrifying.

“Aiden.” I grasp his elbow, pulling him away from the startled woman.

“This isn’t going to help. You can’t do this like this.” I whispered under my breath as he raked a frustrating hand through his hair.


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