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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 171


Sophie's pov

Aiden's cold eyes glared at the paper, his knuckles turning paper white.

The tick in his jaw only meant one thing, he was furious.

’What.* He takes in an inhale.

’The. Fuck. Is. This?* Aiden sneered lowly, the veins in his neck becoming more and more visible the more he glared at the paper.

And then his eyes snapped up, a furious glare full of hatred stabbed Sergio right across the table.

But Sergio reaming unfazed. If anything the old man grew even cockier.

’You've read it. I know you're an intelligent young man Aiden." He responded cooly.

I have so many emotions running through me right now that I was unsure on which to latch on to.

There was anger, pain, frustration, heartache.

Did Aiden really sign these papers?

Did he really agree to marry her?

But why was he acting like he had seen this for the first time?

’Aiden?" I whispered softly. Soft enough for him to not have heard or perhaps he just didn't have it in him to answer me.

Either way, I feel sick to my stomach.

A sudden dry and humorless chuckle sings through the room. Even his shoulders shook as if Sergio's words were humorous.

I didn't think it was funny at all, I think it was the opposite.

’You're fucking with me?’ Aiden drawled in a cold tone.

Sergio brow sleeked up, unimpressed. "Reread the contract if you have doubts Aiden. I'm sure you'll notice your signature is not forged."

Aiden chuckled dryly, colder that before. It scares me.

The sound of paper ripping slices through the air sharply and I gawk at Aiden stunned as the paper is now torn in half.

He flings it towards Sergio with force, his shoulders stiff yet rising and falling so quickly I know he was holding back the extent of his fury.

The torn paper falls limpy on the middle of the huge table.

Sergio doesn’t flinch, doesn't portray anything actually. His eyes are stoked on Aiden, dead. Then his cold eyes swept down to the tom paper and his lips lift.

*l thought you would do that. That's why I thought to do a few more copies. How many do you think you'll be able to tear before coming to the realization that they've set your fate?’

Sergio tapped his fingers on the table, looking at Aiden in triumph.

I shook my head.

I didn't think Sergio would stoop so low to get Aiden to bid to his will.

I knew he was cruel but this?

I can't help but feel pity for Aiden for having Sergio as his grandfather.

Aiden suddenly rises to his feet, his posture rigid.

Without another response, he storms towards Sedgio.

I didn't quite understand what was happening until I saw Aiden's fist flying towards Sergio's cocky face.

The first sound of bone snapping made me squirm and gasped.

’Aiden!" I yelled just as Sergio's body crumbled to the floor.

But he didn't listen, he crouched over Sergio’s stunned figure and reared his hand back.



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