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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 184

The Girl He Craves Chapter 184

Aiden’s pov

I rest my head on my palm while my fingers brush her soft hair off her face.

I stared at her. My heart throbbing.

“I love you so much my Soph. And I’ll keep telling you that every single day for the rest of our lives.” I whispered while my fingers trace along her cheeks delicately.

She shifts closer to me in her sleep, a soft sigh leaving her lips.

I smiled.

How did I get so lucky?

How did I manage to still get her after all the shit I did?

God. I can’t thank you enough. And I can’t thank her enough for giving me a second chance.

“I promise we’ll get our happy ending Sophie. That’s the least I could do to make up for waiting for me for so long.” I murmured and leaned over to plant a soft chaste kiss on her cheeks.

I took in a whiff of her. Memorizing her scent tonight. She smelt yummy, addictive. Gosh if she wasn’t tired and already asleep……

My phone makes a soft ping sound on the dresser.

I pulled away from her and turned around to pick it up.

It’s the text I’ve been waiting for from my private investigator:

He sent me whole lot of pictures. Pictures that made me want to hurl.

I shivered.

And to think I went there….


This family is sick.

Aiden: Did the security spot you?

Private investigator: No. No one saw me. I managed to get through them.

Aiden: Good.

I looked at the disgusting pictures again and shook my head in disbelief. Everyone knew the Muralo’s were close but no one knew that the family were that close.

I moved off the photos.

At least I got the evidence I needed to take them down one by one. Or perhaps I’ll just do all three at once.

The media will have a field day with this.

But tonight is reserved for someone special. Tonight I’ll make him pay.

Aiden: Did you follow that bastard Christopher?

Private investigator: I’m currently tailing him. He just dropped off his sister a couple of minutes ago.

I looked over at Sophie. She was still fast asleep. I didn’t want to leave her tonight but I had to take care of that asshole before he escapes.

There’s not a better time to do this.

Aiden: Good. Send me your location.

When he sent me his location I got out of bed. Putting on my shirt I looked at a sleeping Sophie.

Chapter 184 1


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